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EMAN RESEARCH PUBLISHING |Full Text|Blockchain Technology for Integrating Electronic Records of Digital Healthcare System (2024)


What are the three issues in electronic publishing? ›

  • (a) The Risk of Appropriation of Works.
  • (b) Content Discovery.
  • (c) Content Quality and Availability.
  • (d) Enforcing Limitations on Usage.
  • (e) Equity of Access.
  • (f) Taking the 'Public' Out of 'Publication'

What is the electronic health record management system using blockchain? ›

Blockchain-based EHR creates a new system for electronic health records by utilizing blockchain technology. The goal is to create a secure, transparent, and efficient system. One of the primary advantages of a blockchain-based EHR is that it allows multiple healthcare providers to share data safely.

What are the pros and cons of digital publishing? ›

Pros and cons of a digital-first publisher
  • Books come out quicker.
  • Publisher has extensive catalog of reader and market data.
  • Publisher can adapt to early feedback (easier to make cover and content changes right up to pub date)
  • Often higher royalties for authors—electronic age allows authors to optimize earnings.
Jul 18, 2024

What are the challenges of digital publishing? ›

The publishing industry is facing a host of challenges. They fall into six broad categories: technological disruptions, changing market dynamics, economic issues, legal and ethical concerns, sustainability and the need for diversity and representation.

How is electronic health records used in healthcare? ›

EHRs are a vital part of health IT and can: Contain a patient's medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results. Allow access to evidence-based tools that providers can use to make decisions about a patient's care.

What do electronic health records managers do? ›

These administrative professionals make sure that traditional and digital medical data maintains its quality, accuracy, accessibility, and security. They serve as an essential link between physicians, patients, and third-party payers.

Which Blockchain is used in healthcare? ›

MEDICALCHAIN. Medicalchain's blockchain maintains the integrity of health records while establishing a single point of truth. Doctors, hospitals and laboratories can all request patient information that has a record of origin and protects the patient's identity from outside sources.

What are the 3 different rules for electronic publishing? ›

In summary, three critical areas related to the ethics of electronic publishing have been addressed: quality, security, and access.

What are the threats to e-publishing? ›

The monopoly over digital formats is a potential threat to e-publishing as it could limit competition and stifle innovation. The requirement for a specialized digital device to access e-publications is a disadvantage as it might create a barrier for users who cannot afford or do not know how to use these devices.

What are the three types of publishing? ›

As an author, exploring the three types of publishing—traditional publishing, self-publishing, and hybrid publishing—will help you make an informed decision based on your goals, preferences, and resources.

What are the concerns about e-books? ›

Eye Strain and Screen Fatigue

One of the primary disadvantages associated with e-books is the strain they can place on the eyes. Unlike print books with their paper pages, e-books are typically read on electronic devices such as e-readers, tablets, or smartphones.

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