How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (2024)

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Posted on by Anonymous

How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (2)

How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 years?

This needs to be studied for future historians of an utter collapse of such a beloved company. Fricks sake, it makes my blood boil seeing this happen.

  1. 2 days ago



    They have completely changed staff a dozen times over. It only exists as a name now. This is why Nintendo turned down buying Rare Ware and MS got burned by that too. The people working there are more important than the studio name. This is what killed Infinity Ward too

    • 2 days ago



      >Rare Ware and MS got burned by that too. The people working there are more important than the studio name
      The majority of people who made Rare good still work there, but for some reason their talent just fizzled out.

  2. 2 days ago



    Halo must be cursed or something
    Bungie 343 Microsoft all became pariahs 20 years down the line

  3. 2 days ago



    >from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios
    Bungie were only popular because Xbox needed a leading shooter and they pumped money into Halo, a series that was always sh*t and only survived on charity from Microsoft. Halo was backwards even when it first launched, and stayed behind its competition its entire life. But Xdrones wanted something and Halo was all they had so it sold.

    • 2 days ago



      Halo is literally the best fps ever made zoomer

      • 2 days ago



        wasnt even the best of its generation

        • 2 days ago



          If you're about to try and say timesplitters was anything but slop only good for a break in LANs after everyone had already played blood gulch for 7 hours straight I'm going to laugh at you forever

          • 2 days ago



            who the frick said we were talking about consoles? protip: every single console FPS was sh*t.

    • 2 days ago



      Seething snoy hands typed this

      • 2 days ago



        Console tards such as yourself are the reason Halo flopped. You never once demanded actual improvements to a series that was behind all its competition. Now look were it got Xbox. A dead platform with a dead series.

        • 2 days ago



          >that was behind all its competition.
          Lol? Halo was literally being copied by every FPS at the time you dumb PCkid.

          • 2 days ago



            >Bro everyone was copying halo!
            >Can't name a single thing Halo did that anyone copied
            Yeah its been two decades, Xbox is dead, Halo is dead, Bungie is dead, but magically Halo is somehow good still. You're absolutely fricking deluded.

            • 2 days ago



              >>Can't name a single thing Halo did that anyone copied
              Two weapon limit, sandboxes halo style game maps...regenerating health

              Pretending sh*t like Haze didn't exist? You are genuinely delusional.

    • 2 days ago



      Fascinating, very well

      now lets see Sony's leading fps

    • 2 days ago



      Halo invented the Fricking grenade hotkey you wienersucker!

    • 2 days ago



      this is wrong but Microsoft death gripping the source code when it ran perfectly fine on PC was moronic and so many anons died waiting for hugeass in halo 3

  4. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (6)

    >How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 years?
    I don't care if it made bank. The general gamer population wouldn't go near it

  5. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (7)

    >Bungie were only popular because Xbox needed a leading shooter and they pumped money into Halo, a series that was always sh*t and only survived on charity from Microsoft. Halo was backwards even when it first launched, and stayed behind its competition its entire life. But Xdrones wanted something and Halo was all they had so it sold.

  6. 2 days ago



    They tried to milk the series too hard. It should've ended with Halo 3.

  7. 2 days ago



    because youre a fricking idiot kid thats why
    Bungie was brought out by 343 and died after they released halo reach and ever since then it has been on a very obvious downhill ride

    3 seconds on google could answer this for you dickhe*d

    • 2 days ago



      Yes lol Bungie was "brought out" by 343. You are an idiot lol

      • 2 days ago



        yes the subsidiary company bought out the parent company when they were going to shutdown

        google is your friend my ignorant buddy

        • 2 days ago



          >Bungie is owned by 343
          You're a fricking moron lol

  8. 2 days ago



    GAAS devastated the FPS dev community like Crack did to the black community in the 80s and 90s.

  9. 2 days ago



    Well, other than Jason Jones, who with Bungie was still with them from the Halo days? Most of the older crew ventured off to other studios or just left gaming in general.

    • 2 days ago



      I think Jason Jones is legit the only Halo dev left. Marty, Joe Staten, Alex Seropian, Marcus Lehto, they're all gone and have been gone for some years

  10. 2 days ago



    Modern Bungie isn't the same Bungie you remember (either Halo or pre halo even)

    Modern Bungie is an over bloated mess of a company that only made it's games worse, they had a new cash cow series (destiny) and then proceeded israelite it to death each new thing attached to it until even the most die hard whale got sick of it.

  11. 2 days ago



    >Killzone "Halo Killer" dev now runs Bungie

    Honestly the best part of Bungie is the art direction and gameplay people, the management was fricked for ages now. So this might be a positive unless we get some Concord tier dogsh*t but even Sony has seen the flops on the horizon and need to pivot.

    • 2 days ago



      Bungie hasn't had good art direction and gameplay since destiny 1
      homies really gonna tell me the stupid seashell bullsh*t in final shape comes close to how raw Old Russia looked?

      • 2 days ago



        nothing in destiny 1 comes close to d2y1 last city

  12. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (8)

    Every single core Bungie member blames him for the reason why Bungie turned to sh*t.

  13. 2 days ago



    GaaS has become their albatross.

    Initially the thinking was "If we can get a live-service game going, we can charge people continuously instead of a one time $60"

    Now the industry is realizing that a live service game requires continuous flow of content to be produced and if the playerbase drops off at any point you are fricked. Destiny does well when the main expansions get released but all of the seasonal content and Eververse sh*t has seen low engagement and it costs so much money to keep engine churning.

    • 2 days ago



      Tell that to WoW players, they sometimes went over a year at a time between patches

      • 2 days ago



        That was different time. People expect almost weekly content updates in these games now.

        I think people forget Destiny 1's content schedule. Today that game probably wouldn't even be considered "live-service". The Taken King came out in September 2015 and the game didn't see any significant new content until the April 2016 update that added 1 new strike. Then nothing else got added until Rise of Iron.

        I'm hoping publishers are getting scared of live-service because it's too many eggs in one basket. Look at Suicide Squad; that game was always going to flop but it's so much worse financially because they're now also dedicated to releasing a year's worth of content despite the game being dead. In the old days you could release a bad game, have it fail and move right along to something new.

        • 2 days ago



          DLC is unironically the best model because it means you can actually spend time making something people want with tools your team are used to for your first game so they have something productive to do while a small agile team runs pre-production on the studios next game
          It also means you don't need to spend a fortune on constant always-online servers for every single part of the game

          You need to be making fortnite or mihoyo levels of money to be able to staff up to the point of running like 6 content cycles simultaneously per dev team

  14. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (9)

    >How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 years?
    You guys really don't get it, still? It's pretty easy to understand
    >start with a small team of skilled developers who are passionate and inspired
    >have some success, expand your studio
    >skilled developers are still leading your teams
    >sell out to a publisher/go public/incorporate
    >now only the bottom line matters
    >the skilled developers from before are now tenured, have experience, and thusly, you have to pay them more
    >fire your talent pool of inspired developers that made your company in the first place
    >replace them with entry-level developers fresh out of college with entry-level salaries
    >continue to fire your devs when they get experience/ask for more money
    >hire more cheap devs
    >outsource slop to india to save even more money
    >money money money
    >shareholders shareholder shareholders
    And then eventually, it gets to the
    >video games????

    You're welcome, hope you understand now.

    • 2 days ago



      This is why Bobby Kotick is a genius, he didnt do any of that and focused on quality which is why COD is still a juggernaut.

  15. 2 days ago



    >in the span of 20 years
    probably could have dropped this bit you kind of answered your own question lol

  16. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (10)

    Chad Warden was and is right.

  17. 2 days ago



    Unironically Activision and Bungie's incompetence aka Pete Parsons an ex microsoft executive who was given the position of CEO by Jason fricking moron Jones.

    D1 Bungie struggled but the game was actually fun by the Taken King, WAY better than Y1 and especially release but when Activision started forcing DEI policies and initiatives it ruined the fricking company just like blizzard. Now there's no talent and they've been effectively carried by Destiny 1's legacy.

    • 2 days ago



      Taken king was really good because activision used all their studios to help work on it instead of bungie. High moon studios was responsible for Destiny's best years. Sorry but Bungie is to blame here and not some DEI sh*t that activision has no part in.

  18. 2 days ago



    halo was ALWAYS a casualized arena shooter. it was ALWAYS a game for casuals. bungie was ALWAYS a studio that catered specifically to casuals, and actively contributed to the casualization of the FPS genre.

    • 2 days ago



      >and actively contributed to the casualization of the FPS genre.
      FPS casualization started with Half-life.

      • 2 days ago



        this is peak moron cope.

        • 2 days ago



          Not entirely true because that still ran on the Quake engine. That said, the more cinematic approach definitely started there.

        • 2 days ago



          You can cope all you want but I'm right.

      • 2 days ago



        Low iq moment. FPS casualization started with wolfenstein 3d

    • 2 days ago



      and that's why they're dying/dead. I fricking hate casuals so much

    • 2 days ago



      So is Splatoon, and that's great. Why does it need to by hyper competitive?

      • 2 days ago



        but anon splatoon is fricking garbage

    • 2 days ago



      videogames should be fun

  19. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (11)

    Must've took tips from blizzsh*t

  20. 2 days ago



    Bungie continues to get exactly what they deserve.

  21. 2 days ago



    Is Destiny 2 not still played, respected and liked?

    • 2 days ago



      TFS had great numbers, but it's dropped pretty hard through the episode.
      Absolutely not.
      Very rough last couple years, and a lot of garbage balancing out the good stuff.
      I'm personally of the opinion that it'll pick back up in the next episode, the seasonal stuff that drops with a big expansion is usually bad.

      • 2 days ago



        >TFS had great numbers

        Got proof on the sales numbers? It was on sale literally a month after its release. That doesn’t bode well.

        • 2 days ago



          Concurrent player count, with the caveat that I only cared about the Steam numbers. Second highest they've ever had. I know nothing about sales numbers, but it likely went on sale because they were expecting some sort of record shattering release. I know pre-order numbers were lower than they wanted, and after Lightfall anyone with two braincells to rub together would have expected lower numbers. I don't know what the frick management is smoking, but I want some.

          • 2 days ago



            >Second highest they've ever had
            Perhaps Forsaken got higher numbers, but we can't get the data due to being released when it was exclusive to

          • 2 days ago



            Unless the numbers are dramatically higher than anything the game has done in its history it can hardly be considered a success imo. Destiny is a decade old IP. The idea is to be continually attracting new players, not getting the same old one to shell out their annual $100 at the launch of a new expansion until they put the game down again after a month or two.

            Destiny was clearly intended to be a juggernaut on the level of Elden Ring, Skyrim, Minecraft, etc. that everyone and their mom played. It’s done ok, but it’s never been that despite its massive budget and workforce being thrown at it. Final Shape is supposed to be the big epic climax; the Avengers Endgame of the franchise. 2nd best doesn’t count, especially after someone just spent 3.6B on you.

            • 2 days ago



              How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (12)

              Destiny executed as it was originally pitched before they fired marty would have dwarfed everything
              Too bad for them they chose short term thinking

            • 2 days ago



              All true from the outside looking in, and apparently from management's perspective. But as someone who played all the way through and knew what the playerbase was saying and how they felt, 2nd place was better than I expected.
              I get that Bungie wanted their big finale to be some epic event that saved their studio's side-projects and earned them the respect of the community and a "we're definitely not sorry we bought you now" from Sony. The reality of it is that they consistently fricked up over the year (plus "oops we fricked up" time) leading into TFS, and the original reveal of the expansion was such a wet fart you couldn't have paid me to preorder. For some reason Bungie can only make good content when their lives depend on it, and a live service game can't hemorrhage players because the devs felt like diverting resources to three other games. And the takeaway wasn't "Wow, we did pretty good with this considering how bad we did going into it", it's "How could this not be the greatest thing since sliced bread?"
              I dunno, Bungie just seems to suffer from living in some fantasy bubble where everything they put out is solid gold, instead of reality.

              • 2 days ago


                It’s just arrogance. There’s this clear air of “We’re Bungie” as if that means anything anymore. Halo was 20 years ago, the one IP they’ve had since then is fairly niche in comparison, and the people that were responsible for Bungie being Bungie in the first place are long gone. But they have this illusion that they have this reputation/legacy that is far more esteemed than it actually is.

                They aren’t Nintendo or Capcom or Squaresoft or something with countless known and loved IPs over the decades; they have one game to their name and it’s Halo. That’s not enough think you can ride that reputation into the sunset forever or that even for the next decade without people going “okay, but what have you done for me lately?”

  22. 2 days ago



    This was a pretty brilliant long game play by Sony in the long run.

    For all of Bungie’s faults, they make the best FPS mechanics of any developer out there by a mile. If Bungie succeeded, Sony reaped the rewards of that financial success. If they failed, Sony gets to clean house and pillage Bungie of all that proprietary “secret sauce” FPS game design knowledge that can now go towards making whatever future Sony FPS intellectual property they want.

    I think having all the elements of how to make an FPS game that feels as good as Halo/Destiny without the all of Bungie’s stupid business/design choices ruining it might actually have been worth the 3.6B sticker price in the long run.

    • 2 days ago



      This assumes Sony is savvy enough to make good on the potential of what they have, but they aren’t. Sorry, but we all know it’s true. They’re just as incompetent as Bungie.

    • 2 days ago



      >they make the best FPS mechanics of any developer out there by a mile.
      The average CoD game is better than Destiny or Halo

      • 2 days ago



        NTA but that’s bullsh*t and you know it. The gunplay in Destiny is far better than any CoD.

        • 2 days ago



          destiny dads use the gunplay buzzword every time they wanna justify playing the game but compared to other fps destiny is probably the worst one. most guns sound like air guns plus the enemies have so much health which makes them feel super weak

      • 2 days ago



        I don't like the feel of Destiny's weapon fire.
        It feels like there are only a few recoil types in total, and then a lot of skinning and lighting effects are replaced to make a difference.
        COD's weapons do a different feel with each gun.

  23. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (13)

    Bungie has been dead since 2010. Not even joking, the last time they had the full team together was 14 years ago. Everyone is gone man, you have to let go.

  24. 2 days ago



    >build yourself into such a valuable property Japanese will pay 3.6 billion dollars for you
    Anon you have an extremely moronic idea of what a laughingstock is

  25. 2 days ago



    As someone who eventually fell off Destiny 1, should I bother trying to play Destiny 2? I remember hating in Destiny 1 trying to coordinate those big Raids with random players. Is Destiny 2 only good with a group of friends?

    • 2 days ago



      Raiding is definitely better with a consistent team of people you can hang out with while playing. They finally put a group finding system into the fricking game so you don't have to use third party for it, and it's usually good. Still kind of a crapshoot dealing with the randos, though.

    • 2 days ago



      >”They don’t sound like any of the futuristic fantasy guns I shoot at the range!!”

    • 2 days ago



      >Is Destiny 2 only good with a group of friends?
      its passable to suffering without friends depending on who you get matched with. its still god tier with friends but be realistic you dont have 5 friends who still play this game, nobody does.

  26. 2 days ago



    You refuse to keep making Halo games, sell yourself to Sony while making a complete ass of yours, make Destiny which is still one of the biggest budget games ever made, and then you start getting woke and acting like complete fricking hom*osexuals.

  27. 2 days ago



    1. Lose all talent after Halo
    2. Hire a frick-ton of "quota" workers
    3. sh*t on your (even pre-Halo) community and delete it
    4. Focus on MTX

  28. 2 days ago



    In hindsight it’s obvious that the original idea for Destiny was far too ambitious for the level of experience Bungie had as a studio. Halo is hardly enough to prepare you to make something of the scope they foresaw with Destiny. In comparison, the way Fromsoft slowly iteratively built towards something like Elden Ring over a decade of variations on a theme with their games was perfect.

  29. 2 days ago



    they died when they announced that they were going to do destiny for the next 10 years.

  30. 2 days ago



    The same way all large companies from 20-30 years ago went to sh*t, no more based white men

  31. 2 days ago



    Destiny shouldn't have been GaaS at the start. It should have just been another competitve arena shooter like Halo. No raids, no convoluted story, and no stupid platforming mechanics. PvP, a PvE/Horde mode, a story mode, a forge mode, custom games, and a fricking theater mode. That's it. That's all they needed to do, but instead they made a psuedo-MMO with power levels, grinding, and way too many materials/mechanics. Half the story is sunset, no one new can get into it, and the raids just aren't fun unless you are an MMO autist.

  32. 2 days ago



    It's insane how many companies you can apply this to now. My vote is for Bioware.

  33. 2 days ago



    Live Service dragon chasing, and glutting the frick out with a frick ton of investment you'll never return a profit on.

    Destiny should have just been 3-4 standalone fps's with co-op support and a persistent character building multiplayer suite.

  34. 2 days ago



    It's been around so long that studios like Bungie, Blizzard, and Bioware would eventually lose talent or key people whether by drama, layoffs, or retiring.

  35. 2 days ago



    >How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 years?
    they were bought by activision and drove out all talent that made halo. current bungie are nothing but shill to fool idiots they're the same guys who made halo which is why they haven't made a single game since desnity 2 in 2017 and last time i checked, it's been 7 years since they made new game and they have nothing to show for.

  36. 2 days ago



    >Largest, most beloved?
    Who the frick are these guys? Doesn't look like Nintendo or Square-Enix so I don't know what the frick you are talking about.

  37. 2 days ago



    How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (14)


How the FRICK do you go from one of gaming's largest, most beloved video game studios to an absolute laughingstock of a company in the span of 20 ... (2024)
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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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