The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

0 THE BOSTON DAILY GLOBE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1954 Business and Financial Twenty-Seven Commodity Futures prime native wooled lambs reached $21.25. Most good and choice kinds were taken at $18.50 to $19.50. In a Nutshell Cocos--Up 90 to 100 points. Santos No. up 186 to 200.

Copper- Off Up 25 to 55. Cotton- 10 to 35. cents a bale. 14 to 16. Grains Wheat easy, corn steady.

Hides- -Up 10 to 21. Lead--No sales. Rubber- -Up 25 to 45. Sugar- No. 4 unchanged: No, 6 up 2.

Tin--No sales. Wool- -Up 1 cent to off .2 of cent. Wool Tops- Off 1.5 to up de a cent. Zine-Unchanged to up 4. CHICAGO GRAINS WHEAT High Low Wed.

-Close Dec Mar 2.19½ 2.18 2.18 2.18¾ Tues, 2.21 2.21 Jlyl May 2.11 2.21 2.19⅞ 2.19⅝ 2.20¼ CORN 2.09½ 2.09% 2.10½ Dec 1.53 1.52 Mar 1.56⅞ 1.56% 1.56⅞ May 1.58¾ 1.57¾ Jly 1.59⅜ 1.58¼ 1.59¼ 1.59 OATS Dec Mar .80 .80 .81 .81 May Jiy .76 .76 RYE Dec 1.37¼ 1.33¼ 1.36½ Mar May 1.40¼ 1.36¼ 1.39½ 1.38 Jly 1.38½ 1.36¼ 1.38% WOOL Oct 157.0 156.0 155.5b 156.5b Dec Mch 153.5 151.5 152.5 153.0b 153.0 May 150.7 151.16 151.3b .150.0 149.0 149.5b 149.5b Jly 148.5 148.5 148.26 148.0b Oct 147.0 147.0 146.6b 146.3b Dec 145.6 144.5 145.3b 145.0b Mch 144.0 143.5 143.8b 143.0b Certificated wool spot 157.5n. WOOL TOPS Oct 185.5 183.3 185.0b 186.5b Dec .186.5 185.5 186.5b 187.0b 185.4 185.2 185.3b 185.1b| May 184.0 183.2 184.0 183.6 Jly 182.9 182.0 182.9 182.6 Certificated spot wool tops 185.5n. Dec 34.62 34.55 34.55 34.62 Mch 34.94 34.88 34.88 34.95 May 35.14 35.09 35.09 35.15 Jly 35.07 34.99 34.99 35.07b Oct 34.77 34.75 34.72b 34.75b Dec 34.83 34.80 34.78b 34.80b Mch 35.00 34.92 34.92 34.97b Middling spot 35.10n. bBid. Nominal.

Earnings (Per Share) Company Period 1954 1953 ABC 9 mos .68 71 Byron Jackson 9 mos 2.44 1.92 Ct Light Power. 12 mos 1.19 .97 Delta Air Line 3 .29 loss Doug Aircraft Co 9 mos 11.46 5.42 East Stainless Steel 9 mos 2.59 1.77 Fed Paper Board. 38 wks 3.08 1.97 Gas. Service. ,12 mos 1.74 1.65 Gen Baking .39 wks .18 Grant Portid Cmnt.

12 mos 1.23 1.07 Air 9 mos 1.83 2.27 Omar, Inc 12 wks .43 .17 PS Elec Gas. .12 mos 1.89 2.09 St Regis Paper 9 .61 .54 Standard Products. 3 mos .32 .68 Sherwin Williams. 12 mos 7.83 7.29 Smith A Corp. .12 mos 5.41 5.11 South Jersey Gas.

12 mos 1.53 1.29 Scruggs Vand Barn. 12 mos 1.02 1,69 Thompson, John 9 mos :09 .03 Va 9 mos loss .14 Am Airlines Inc 9 mos .68 1.54 Cleveland Cliffs 9 mos 1.19 2.75 Colgate Palmolive. 9 mos 3.90 3.11 Cream of Wheat. 12 mos 2.03 2.01 Diamond Alkali. 9 1.74 1.77 Hercules Powder Co 9 mos 3.89 3.48 Hercules 12 mos 7.00 2.40 Keyes Fibre.

9 mos 3.49 2.25 Oswego Falls. 9 2.40 2.19 Seagrave Corp. 9 1.24 2.72 1.10 Un Carbon 9 mos 2.18 Dividends Declared Date Stock of Company Div. Payable Record AcmeIndst stk Nov 15 Nov 1 Atlantic Refing 50c qu Dec 15 15 Nov Byron Jackson 40c qu Nov Oct 29 Citizens Nat Tr B. Ltd.

75c yu Nov 1 Oct 22 Delta Airl 30c qu Dec 6 Nov 19 EmpireMillwk 10c Oct 30 Oct 29 FtPittBdgeWks 25c qu Dec Nov 15 Kings Cty Tr $2.00 qu Nov Oct 22 Lukens Steel. 25c qu Nov 15 Oct 30 $1 ex Dec 1 Nov 10 MyersTob $1 qu Nov 10 Liquid Carbne 35c qu Dec 1 Nov 15 Micromte Hone 25c qu Dec 10 Dec Mo 31c Dec Nov 12 NY Air Brake 40c qu Dec 15 Sec Fst Nat Bk, LA 45c qu Nov 5 Oct 27 Sherwin Wil'ms $1 qu Nov 15 Oct 29 St Regis Paper 45c Dec 1 Oct 30 Air CondiVick Chem. qu Dec 3 15 tion' pf $1.75 Nov 19 Nov 5 Copelnd Rfgtn 15c qu Dec 10 20 Atlantic Refng 50c Dec 15 Nov 22 Fairchild 25c Nov 15 Nov 1 Granby Cons 50c Dec 1 Nov 12 Minn Moline qu Nov 15 Nov $1.50 sec pr. qu Nov 15 Nov Sinclair 65c qu Dec Nov 15 Chicago Livestock CHICAGO, Oct. 20 -Butchers and sows gained 25 to 50 cents today as hog receipts fell below expectations the second straight day.

Top was $19.35, paid for three choice loads, the highest price in more than a week. Salable receipts at 7000 head fell 2000 under the advance estimate. Buyers paid $19.00 to $19.25 for the of choice 180 to 270 pound butchers. Sows sold from $15.50 to $18.25. Several loads of prime steers reached $30.00, the first time any offerings have commanded that figure since May 5.

Steer and heifers generally were steady to 50 cents. higher. Salable receipts in the cattle section totaled 15,000. Most choice to low prime steers sold at $24.75 to $27.50 while good to low choice types were $21.50 to $24.50. Heifers topped at $27.50.

Demand for cows was slow with utility and commercial kinds going at $9.50 to $13.50 and canners and cutters at $7.00 to $9.50. Some light canners sold down to $6.00. Vealers were steady to strong at $18.00 to $23.00 for good and choice and $6.00 to $17.00 for cull to commercial. Salable sheep receipts totaled 1500. All classes held steady.

A few high About 15,100 hotels in the United States provide meals for their guests and do $767,000,000 business per year, Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With More Comfort FASTEETH, pleasant alkaline (non -acid) powder, holds false teeth more firmly. To eat and talk in more comfort, just sprinkle a little TEETH on your plates. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. Checks "plate odor" (denture breath), Get FASTEETH at any drug counter. Nights Unbearable to due Itching Skin? Relief beyond belief for fiery, itching irritation, with specially medicated Resinol-the ointment rich in lanolin.

Soothes and oils tender skin-lessens desire to scratch--thus aids healing. NOW ACCIDENT PROTECTION UP 12,00000 FOR LESS THAN A DAY Yes new, liberal benefits have been written into every accident insurance policy offered by the Boston Globe. And yet the cost less than one penny a day remains the same. INSURANCE COVERS PERSONS 5 to 85 For Complete This Coupon to The Boston Globe Boston 7, Mass. send me additional Please mation about the accident insurance policy now offered by The Globe.

Bond Market NEW YORK. Get. complete list of bond New York Stock CORPORATION Sales (in $1,000) Alleg Corp 5562 3 Allez 4s 98 5 Allied Chm 76 1 Alum Am 64 Alum Am is 79 5 Alum Can 70 3 Am FP 55 2030 57 Am FP 4.809 87 16 Am 65 140 Am 64 36 Am 63 63 Am 73 11 Am 87 15 Am 61 Am 71 Am 75 Am 80 Am 86 Am Tobacco 3 Am Tobacco 35 62 12 Am Tobacco Ss 69 4 AtICstL 64 1 AtIRefin 79 1 0 65 95J 55 75B 21 0 5s 95G 46 0 55 96M 10 0 5s 2000K 10 0 20101 107 0 4s 75 11 55 80 11 Bang Ar 76 6 Bell Pa 5s 60 1 Beth Stl 76 70 13 Bos Me 4s 60 BrkUnGas 76 15 57st 6 CanNatRy 55 10 Can Pac 4s perp 1 Cen Ga A2020f 1 Cen Ga 48 95 CenRRNJ 87 96E 17 Chi 45 58 6 Inc 97t 5 4s 56 4 CMSPPac 1 99 19 ChiUnSta 63 2 82 10 Cities Sve 3s 77 10 CCC SL 9 CityInv 45 61 1 CWM 4591 3 ClevElIl 85 10 66 10 ColumGas 64 84 ColumGas 77 5 ColumGas 79 20 ComwEd 3s 77 8 ComwEd 99 1 ConEdis 3s 63 1 ConEdis 3s 72 2 ConEdis 3s 79 Con Edis 3s 81. 13 RRCuba 3s20011 12 ConsumPw 75 25 ContBak 3565 1 Del 5s 73 15 Del 5s 85 Del inc 931 2018 4 Det Edis 69 5 Det Edis 38 70 6 Det Edis 84 10 61 3 Dow Chm 3s 82 6 Dow Chm 2.35s 61 1 5s 65 7 Erie 2015 11 qFlaECst 5s 741 3 GenMotAcc 4s 58 23 GenMotAcc. 3s 69 5 GenMotAcc 15 GenMotAce 64 15 GenMotCp 42 GrandUn 69 2 82 Househ Fin 68 4 Hud Coal 5s 62 17 rig 5s 57 2 inc 5557f 91 IlIBellTel 81 2 IlICen 80 3 Inl Stl 72 37 qIntGIN aj6s52xf 28 IntMiner 3.65s 77 13 Int Ry Am 5s 72 3 Kan Sou 48 75 7 Koopers 3s 64 4 Leh 70 1 LehVHT 5s 84 Leh Val 55 C2003 LehVTerm 5s 79 2003 MichConG 5 Mo KanT 5s 62 9 Mo KarT 78 11 Mo KanT 4s 62B 4 Mo KanT 45 40 3 qMoPac 6 qMoPac 5s 65t 2 qMoPac 5s 771 27 qMoPac 5s 78f 7 qMoPac 5s 80t 6 qMoPac 5s 81f 31 4s 75f 6 55 3 36 NatDairy 70 1 s54xf 2 gNOrITM 5sB54xf 14 5s C56t 1 NYCen 5s 213 13 NYCen 2013 56 NYCen 4s 98 48 NYCenHR 97 9 NYCenLS 98 2 NYC LS.

1 NYCenMC 98 12 NYConn 75 12 4s 2043B 6 NYNHH 2022f 24 NYNHH 4s 2007 60 4s 551 8 4s 927 6 1 NY Tel 82 3 4s 96reg 4 NorNatG 25 Nor Pac 5 NorPac 4s 97 3 NorPac 3s 2047 00 NorPac 3s 2047reg NorStP 75 2 Ohio Edis 3s 74 16 Or WashRRN 3s 60 27 Pac 84 2 Pac 3s 70 2 Pac 3s 74 2 Pac 3s 79 2 Pac 80 2 Pac 78 2 Pac 85 2 3s 75 6 Pen RR 60 4 Pen RR 65 8 Pen RR 81 12 Pen RR 84 1 4s 60 6 Phil El 67 1 Phillips 3.70s83 49 Phillips 3 5s 70 10 5s 75 80 PubSEG 2 PubSEG 3s 63 13 Reyn Tob 3s 73 1 6s 96 SIL SF 2022t StL SF 45 97 12 Scott Pap 3s 77 1 SeabAL 3s 80 1 Sinclair 83 82 SoNatGas 31 So Pac 69 17 So Pac Or 77 4 South Ry 65 56 5 South Ry 58 94 3 SouthRy 4s 56 Sw BellT 85 Std Coil 5s 67 25 Std Ind 36 Std NJ 74 6 Std NJ 71 5 Tex Corp 3s 65 10 85 1 5s 60f qThirdAv 45 60f 15 Un Pac 76 5 Un Pac 91 3 Vanadium 69 2 West PenEl 1 WShore 2361 17 WShore 45251reg 17 WestchLt 10 West Md 4s 69 5 West Md 79 10 West Un 55 60 8 Wilson 35 58 3 WisCen 6 Wis Cen 4s 2004 3 70 (AP) -Following is transactions on the Exchange: BONDS Net High Low Last Chg. 102 102 102 79 79 79 88 134 132 105 105 102 102 101 101 98 69 89 76 101 93 93 100 100 100 52 52 71 98 94 94 67 87 87 101 101 101 63. 63 63 56 56 101 101 101 1063 993 993 104 104 105 102 102 102 95 95 95 88 88 88 124 98 98 108 108 100 100 100 93 93 93 106 106 106 95 94 95 52 52. 52 18 17 124 124 85 107 107 100 100 100 95. 95.

95 86 104 97 97 99 99 99 102 102 116 116 116 116 116 116 116 111 111 102 102 102 65 100 100 81 67 67 62 62 91 90 90 6 6 6 48 48 48 118 118 118 107. 78 78 102 102 102 101 98 98. 95 95 95 102 108 108 108 106 99 104 104 104 99 99 99 105 105 105 133 133 96 96 96 105 105 105 35 35 35 75 75 75 100 100 89 114 114 114 103 103 103 104 104 104 102 102 102 106 101 101 101 70 70 70 The incisors of such animals as beavers and woodchucks grow as much as 20 inches annually. "Old at 40, Man, You're Crazy Forget your age! Thousands are peppy at 70. Try "pepping up" with new, higher-potency Ostrex Tonic Tablets.

For weak, rundown feeling due solely to body's lack of iron which many men and women call "old." Get Ostrex for pep, vigor, younger feeling, today. "Get-acquainted" size At all druggists. WANTS! As a Want and Classified medium the Globe is unexcelled. To Buy, Sell, Hire or Rent anything, advertise your wants in the classified columns of the Daily and Sunday Globe. Call RI 2-1300 Steel Production Figures More Encouraging By JOHN HARRIMAN The news is pretty, good in steel.

This week production is scheduled at 74 percent of capacity. This is an increase of points over last and a sizable 14 points over the lows of last Summer. Now the big question is whether or not the pickup will carry through. Business in general will breathe easier if steel reaches 80 percent of capacity this quarter. If it fails to reach that point, we may be in for more 3 trouble.

Mid-November should tell the story. Talk of Attempt to Reduce Prices So far this year we have had a mixed situation in the demand for steel. Auto and appliance production have both been down about 20 percent and buying less steel, of course. The decline in ordnance and other military has been even greater, with steel needs off as much as 40 percent from the previous year. On the other hand, demand has been as good as in 1953 in the construction industry, and in oil and gas pipe.

It has been even higher than last year in the container industry, one of. steel's best customers. The net result of this mixed demand was a production rate for the first six months of percent compared to 99 percent for 1953. The drop from that rate in the Summer to almost 60 percent was due to plant vacations and the curtailment of auto buying as the manufacturers retooled and prepared their new models. Now, of course, the market.

If its buying holds, a pickup in appliances, the easy street. auto industry is back in the and if on top of that we get steel companies will be on Even if the situation should not improve, the companies will have survived what was perhaps their most uncomfortable moment in some years. Last Summer there was talk that the auto industry was going to try for a cut in the price of steel. That would have hurt. But the rise in production now would indicate that that danger is over.

Able to Maintain Good Profits By and large, the steel companies have been able to take this year's reduced volume in their stride. The earnings of United States Steel, for instance, were only 10 percent. below 1953 in the first and second quarters. In the third quarter, the company is estimated to have made $1.15 to $1.25 a share, which would represent a somewhat larger decline from last year's results for the same period. Yet the corporation is expected to show a net for 1954 of around $6 a share compared to $7.54 in 1953, $4.54 in 1952, and $6.10 in 1951.

One or two companies have done even better than U. and most of the other large ones have done almost as well. These results are due to several factors: a tight control of costs, reduced maintenance made possible by large previous expenditure on plant, and, in some cases, to the expiration of the excess profits tax. But most particularly the favorable showing of the steel companies is due to the fact that the industry was not forced to cut prices on top of declining volume. Indeed, it was even able to raise prices last July.

Over-Counter Quotations INDUSTRIALS Bid Aerovox Air Prod Am Boxboard Am Enka Am Hardware Am Marietta Am Phenolic Research 21 Am Wringer Assoc Trans Aztec Oil Bachman Uxb. Bates Mfg Bausch L' Bell Co. Berk Fin Spin Bettinger. Bird Son. Black Sivalls 23 Bost Gr Rent Boston Herald Bost Real Est Boston Wharf Bos Whf 5s '74 80 Bos Wov Hose Brown Durrell.

Br Sharpe Campbell (AS) Canad. Sup Oil Cedar Pt Field. Chapman Val Chem Prod Cleve Cliffs 20 Collyer Wire Cons Render'g Cons Rock Pr 2.45 Cromp Knis Crowell Collier. Dewy Almy Dentist Sup Draper Corp Dun Bradst Dunham. A Durez Eastern Racing.

Edison. .20 Electronics 11 Ely Walker 27 Ely pf Ely 2 pf 24 Essex Co Exolon ..13 Farrington A Fed Elec Prod Federal Paper Forem't Dairies of Loom General Gas Giant Port Com 15 Giddings L. .24 Grat Knight. 8 Gr Kn pr pf 21 Grinnell Corp Hanna MA Harshaw Chem Hearst Corp pf 15 Wak Hey Wal pf Hoe. R.

Hoffman Radio Holiday Brands Holling Wh Hugoton Prod Jack Heintz Jones Lam Kaiser Steel Kaiser Steel pf Kendall Co 38 Keta Gas Oil Keyes-Fibre 33 Keyes-Fibre A Landers Frary Lone Star Steel Long Bell Lum Lowell Bleach Ludlow Mfg .30 Mallory, Manning 215 Marlin Rock 151 Mego Ed Units Merrimac Hat Minute Maid Min Maid pref 261 Moore Drop 12 Moxie Co Murray Co Nashua Corp National Co Nat'1. Casket Naumkeag New Brit Mach New Eng Lime 38 Newmarket Vicholson N'west Leather Oxford Paper Permutit Photon. Inc Plymouth Cord Plym Rubber Polaroid Corp Porter (HK) Portsmouth St Power Condens. Pubco Dev ws 8 Purolator Quincy Mkt 126 Reece Corp Revere Richardson Racing Co Riley Stoker 25 River Brd Rice Rock of Ages Rockwell Mfg Roy Dutch Pet Russell (FC) Saco Lowell Safety St Croix Paper Scot Will Searle. D.

Simplex So Adv Bag Southern Prod Sprague El Stanley Works Suburban Prop Tampax Temco Aircraft 13 Tenn Prod Textron Textron Tidelands Oil Time, Inc Timely Clothes Towle MEg Tracerlab Ultrasonic Utd Printers Envelope Envel pf Sugar. Univ Winding Valley Mould Veeder Root Verney Corp DEATHS DeSIMONE-In. Newton, Oct. 19. 1954, Irene (nee Ziemba), beloved wife.

01 Carmen of 925 Watertown West Newton. Funeral from the Joseph G. Valente Funeral Home, 697 Washington Friday. Oct. 22, at 0 a m.

Solemn High Mass at St. Bernard's Church. West Newton. at. 10 a.

m. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend, Visiting hours Wednesday, 2-5 and 7-10: Thursday. 2-5 and 7-10. October DRISCOLL-In 20. Lillian North A.

(Nyhan), wife Quincy, suddenly of late Driscoll. Relatives and friends are respectfully vited to attend the funeral from her late home, 114 Billings road, Saturday at 8:15. Solemn High Mass of o'clock. Requiem at. Sacred Heart Church at 9 DUFFY- Brighton.

Oct. 19, Hugh, residence 708 Cambridge beloved husband of the late Nora I. M. (Moore) Duffy, Funeral from the Leo BirmMemorial Funeral Home, 471 Washington Brighton (at Funeral Lake Mass Friday at 9 a. m.

Solemn Church 10 m. in St. Columbkille's at a. Relatives and friends are and kindly 7-10 invited. Visiting hours 2-5 p.m.

Member Boston Red Calvary Sox Cemetery, Baseball Club. Interment Boston. ELLIOTT- In Revere, Oct. late 19th, James, and beloved son of the Patrick Margaret (Elliott) Funeral Elliott. from the Residence J.

F. 581 Beach st. way, McGlinchy Chelsea, Saturday, Oct. 23rd at Funeral Home, 583 Broad8 a. Solemn Funeral Mass at St.

Rose Church at 9 a. m. Late member of the Revere Lodge of Elks. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10. FARRAHER Oct.

20th. -In Michael Watertown, husband of Wednesthe late Mary T. Relatives day, and friends are respectfully, invited to attend the funeral home, at from Ladd on Saturday Requiem morning Mass in 8 a clock. Solemn St. Patrick's Church at 9.

Member Interment of the Holy Name Society and Div. 14, St. Patrick's Cemetery. A.O.H. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m.

EAVES--In Brookline. Clark Oct. 19th, Services Ruth at Lyon Eaves, Chapel. First Parish. Walnut of 41 road.

Brookline. on Friday, Oct. 22nd at 2 p. m. -In Everett.

Oct. 20, wife Marion of William (Burns) Fandel. Fandel. Funeral from resibeloved Oct. dence.

22, 39 at 8 Calhoun a. m. av. Solemn High on Friday. Mass of Requiem at Our Lady of Grace Church at 9 o'clock.

Relatives hours, and 2-5 friends invited. Visiting and 7-10 p. m. Allston, suddenly, Oct. 19.

James H. -In Flaherty of 4 Price road. husband Flaherty: of father of James H. Flaherty Florence (Brousseau) Jr. Mrs.

and Mrs. Catherine 'Scully and Matthew Lorraine Penny brother of Flaherty, Funeral from 907 the Mass, Daniel av. F. O'Brien Cambridge, Funeral Friday, at 8 a. m.

Solemn Home, Allston, at 9 a. m. Employee of BosHigh Mass at St. Anthony's Church, ton Globe. Relatives and friends may call at their convenience.

GILHOLM-In West Newton. beloved Oct. wife 20. of Dolena, William G. Gilholm of 344 Austin C.

(MacLean), st. Presbyterian Funeral service Church, corner of Verat the United non urday. and Oct. 23. at 2 p.

m. Visiting Park West Newton. Sathours Chapel, 4 Beech corner of Mass. at the A. E.

Long Memorial North Cambridge. Thursday and Friday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9, GREEN Sylvanus S. Groton, Greenleaf, age Oct. 61 of years, Lillian (Walker) Greenleaf, Fuof High Ipswich, husband neral services will be held Friday at p. m.

at the Roberts. Funeral Home, Main Rowley. at Friends Main may at the funeral home Street Cemetery. Rowley. Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p.m.

HAYES -In Charlestown. Oct. beloved 20, Michael husband A. of of the late Margaret Hayes 29 Austin (nee Hanley), Funeral the del A. Wiles Funeral Home.

3 Dexter Row, at Thompson Saturday, High Oct. 23, at 8:15 a. m. Solemn Mass at St. Mary's Church at 9 a.

m. Relatives and friends are kindly invited. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10 p. HORRIGAN-In Newton Upper Falls, Oct. 19, Doris Tordoff, beloved wife of the late Dennis J.

Horrigan of 1302 Boylston st. Funeral New Funeral services at Home. the Henry Burke 56 Washington Wellesley Hills, Friday at 2 o'clock. invited. Relatives Visiting and friends respectfully hours 3-5, 7-10.

JOHNSON-In Reading, of Oct. Sarah 20. G. Fred- (Inerick H. husband gram).

Services at the 743 Edgerley Main and Funeral Home. Reading. Friday, Oct. 22. Thursday at 3:30 p.

evening m. Friends may call to 9. JONES- In East Boston, Oct. 19. Mary Carrier, widow of Lewis Jones.

residence 148 Lexington Reposing at the Richard C. Kirby Funeral Home, 917 Bennington st. until Friday at 8 m. Solemn High Requiem Mass at St. John the Baptist Church at 9 o'clock.

Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours, 2-5 and 7-10. KELLY-In Andover. Oct. 19, John (Fal- beloved husband of Katherine Kelly and beloved father of Funeral from the M.

A. Burke MeJohn, William. George and Sally Ann. morial Funeral Home. 390 North Main Andover, Friday, Oct.

22. at 8 a. m. Solemn High Mass of at 9 a. m.

Relatives and friends inRequiem at St. Augustine's Church vited. Visiting hours 3-5 and 7-10 p.m. KINSMAN-In Watertown, Oct. 20, Lizzie R.

Kinsman in her 92d year. Services at the First Baptist Church. Saturday, Oct. 23 at 2 p. m.

Friends may call at the Rockwell Chapel, 45 Mt. Auburn Watertown, Friday 3 to 5 and 7 to 9. Northfield, papers please copy. LEAVITT- on Tuesday, Oct. 19, David Leavitt of 1518 North Shore road, Sadie (Wheeler), beloved devoted husband father of Henrietta Salloway of Lynn.

Services at the Brookline, Levine Thursday. Chapel. 470 Oct. Harvard sty a. m.

Visiting at the Chapel Wednesday evening, 8-9. Memorial week at his late residence. Pleast omit flowers. Expressions of sympathy may be made to the Heart Fund. 20.

Harriet A. (Noble), beloved wife In West Newton, October of James F. McCarthy of 57 Henshaw st. Funeral from the T. J.

Lyons Funeral Home, 1479 Washington West Newton, Friday 8. a. m. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Bernard's Church at 9.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Wednesday 7-10, Thursday 2-5, 7-10 p. m. McCARTHY-In Cambridge, Oct. 20.

Gertrude M. (Dawson) McCarthy, of 14 Newtowne wife of the late William G. McCarthy, mother of William G. and John T. McCarthy.

Funeral from the Daniel F. O'Brien Funeral Home, 907 Mass. Cambridge, Saturday 8 a. m. Solemn High Mass at St.

Mary's Church at 9 a. m. Relatives and friends may call at their convenience. McGEOUCH-In Charlestown, Oct. 20, Leonard, husband of Ella May McGeouch of 26 Allston st.

Services at the First Baptist Church, Austin and Lawrence Saturday, Oct. 23, 2 p. m. Relatives and friends invited. Friends may call at the funeral home of John Bryant's Sons.

181 B- oadway. Somerville. Thursday. 7-9 D. Friday 3-5 and 7-9 p.

m. McINTYRE In West Somerville, Oct. 20, 1954, John husband of Angela M. (Maloney), of 25 Gordon father of James of Somerville, Dorothy Kennedy of Woburn and Rita Weeks of Barre, Vt. Funeral from Home, the George L.

Doherty Funeral 855 way (Powder House sq.) Friday mornins. Requiem High Mass in St. Raphael's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Late member of Carmen's Union.

Calling hours 2-5 and 7-10. McKENNA In Bedford, October 19, Ethel I. (nee Jelley), of 32 Houlton beloved wife of C. Frank Funeral W. from and mother of Audrey the Douglass Chapel.

1844 Mass Lexington, Friday, at 8 m. Requiem Mass at St. Michael's Church, Bedford. at 9 a m. Friends may call at the chapel Wednesday and Thursday from 3-5 and 7-9 p.m.

McLEAN-In Boston, formerly of Marlboro and Medford. Oct. 20, Charlotte (Lanigan) McLean of 55 Park dr. Funeral from the Daniel F. O'Brien Funeral Home, 907 Mass.

Cambridge, Friday at 8 a. m. Requiem High Mass at St. Cecilia's Church at 9 a. m.

Interment at Immaculate Conception Cemetery, Marlboro. Relatives and friends may call at their convenience. MILLS -Suddenly Oct. 19. John husband of Winifred (Allen) Mills of 337 Merriam Weston.

Formerly of Worcester, in his 68th neral services will be held the Wentworth Chapel, 30 Prospect Waltham. Friday, Oct. 22 at 3 D. m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend.

Friends may call at the chapel, Wednesday from D. m. Thursday from 4-6 and 7-9 D. m. Worcester papers please copy.

SINCE 1832 SONS NERAL SE LOCAL and DISTANT GREATER BOSTON SINCE 1832 DEATHS MENSLAGE -In South Boston suddenly. October 19. George beloved husband of Anna (Walsh) Menslake, father of Mrs. Geraldine NaGeorge and William F. of Everett, Residence 68 Marine road.

Funeral the James F. O'Donnell Funeral Home, 780 East Broadway (between and streets). Friday. October 22, at 8 a. followed by High Mass of Requiem in St.

James' Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Late member of the international Brotherhood of Boiler Makers. Local No. 651.

Visiting hours Wednesday 7-10. Thursday 2-3, 7-10 p. m. MORAN-In Revere. Oct.

19. Florence beloved wife of James Moran. mother of Jean Foster and Jacqueline Joyce. Reposing at residence. 86 Bay road.

until Friday at 8 High Requiem Mass at St. Theresa's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives, and friends are respectfully invited to attend. MORRISSEY- -In Hyde Park. Oct.

19th, of 70 Neponset av. Beloved husband of Alice M. (nee Sullivan). Devoted father of David Francis J. Robert and Henry Morrissey, Funeral from the Joseph E.

Carroll Funeral Home, 1117 River st. Hyde Park, Friday, Oct. 22d. at 8 m. High Mass of Requiem in the Most Precious Blood Church at 9 m.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours, Wednesday 7-10. Thursday 2-5 and 7-10. MURPHY-Of South Natick, the 19th. Katherine E.

(Riley), widow of Edward J. Murphy, Funeral from the John Everett Sons Memorial Funeral Home (Natick Square) on Friday morning at 8 o'clock. Solemn Requiem Mass. to in the Sacred Heart Church Relatives and friends invited. hours 3 to: 5 and to 10.

NEWCOMB- Lowell. October 20th. Rose Newcomb. widow of E. Colin Newcomb of 270 Shawsheen Tewksbury, formerly of Somerville and Dangor.

Maine. Funeral services Friday at 2 p. at the H. Louis Farmer Funeral Home, 16 Lee Tewksbury. Cremation at Mt.

Auburn. Calling hours at the Funeral Home Thursday 7-9 p. m. O'BRIEN-Of Jamaica Plain. October 19, John T.

O'Brien, formerly of Roxbury, beloved husband of Theresa O'Brien (nee O'Donnell); father of Earl Arthur F. Robert and John O'Brien. Funeral from the J. J. Good Son Funeral Home, 336 Dudley Roxbury, Friday, Oct.

22. at 8 a. m. Solemn High Mass at St. Patrick's Church at 9 o'clock.

Relatives and friends invited to attend. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10 p. m. Late Government employee. Navy member of Hoisting Engineers Local No.

4. O'NEILL- Paul in Quincy, the 20th. Bigelow st. Reposing at the Sweeney Funeral Home 74 Elm Quincy Centre. Requiem Funeral Mass at the Church of Christ Our King.

Wilmington, Delaware, Monday morning. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours Thursday 7-10, Friday 2-5. and 7-10 p. m.

Please omit flowers. Margaret In. South Boston, beloved Oct. 19. (McDonough), wife of the late John O'Toole and mother of John Toole, Residence.

187 West 5th st. Funeral from the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary Walsh, 12 Taft st. Dorchester, Saturday morning at 8 a. m.

Solemn High Funeral Mass at St. Peter and Paul's Church. South Boston at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends respectfully invited. PEAR-In Cambridse, Oct.

20, Fanny (Bradley) widow of William Hesseltine Services at Crothers Chapel, of the First Parish Church. on Church Cambridge, Friday, Oct. 22 at 12 noon. PEARCE In Somerville, Oct. 19, suddenly, Carrie I.

(Mills) Pearce, wife of Walter E. Pearce of 1092 Broadway. Services at the Funeral Home of John Oct. Bryant's at Sons, 2. 181 Broadway, Friday, 22, p.

m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Wednesday 7-9 p. m. Thursday 3-5 and 7-9 p.

Interment Glenwood Cemetery, Littleton, N. CORRECTION PENN-On Tuesday, Oct. 19, Harry A. Penn of 162 Seaver Roxbury beloved husband of Sophie (Becker), devoted father of Phyllis Penn of Roxbury, brother of Etta Bloom and Ida Aaron of Roxbury and Dr. Jack B.

Penn of Brookline, the late Katie Cohen, the late Esther Morss and the late Mary Braverman. Services at the Levine Chapel, 470 Harvard Brookline, Thursday, Oct. 21, at 12:30. Memorial week at the home of Ida Aaron, 184 Cedar Roxbury, Please omit towers. PFORTE- -In West Roxbury, Oct.

20, Helen E. (Schoener), beloved wife of Robert mother of William F. Mrs. Pearl B. Downey, Mrs.

Elizabeth H. Brenc, residence 41 Schiller road. Funeral from the F. J. Higgins Funeral Home, 4236 Washington st.

(Roslindale Saturday, Oct. 23. 2 m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting Thursday; to 10; Friday, 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p.

m. PHILLIPS- In Topsfield, Oct. 19. James Duncan Phillips of Hill Rowley Bridge road. Services Friday, Oct.

22. at 2 p. at Governor Dummer emy, South Bytield, Mass. Kindly omit flowers. POWERS- In Somerville, Oct.

20, suddenly, William P. beloved son of. the late John and Margaret (Ronayne) Powers. Late of 30 Sycamore st. Brother of Rev.

Brother Myles, C. F. John F. and Kathleen E. Funeral Saturday at 8:15 from G.

F. McKenna and Son Funeral Home, 390 Medford st. Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St. Catherine's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited.

Late member of George Dilboy Post No. 529, V. F. W. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10.

PROCTOR- In Medford, suddenly, 0c- tober 19, 1954, Lyman husband the late Lena M. (Rollins) Proctor of 144 Mystic st. Services in the Beals Funeral Home, 29 Governors Thursday, Oct, 21. at 2:30 p. m.

Visiting hours Wednesday 3-5 and 7- 9 p. m. PROVOST -In Stoneham, Oct. 19, Margaret Elizabeth (Dewar) Provost, wife of Frank F. Provost of 106 Main st.

Services at the funeral home of John Bryant's Sons. 4 Common Thursday, Oct. 21. at 2 p. m.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours Wednesday, 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. REGAN-Of Cambridge, Oct. 20, Jeremiah of 173 Hampshire st.

Funeral from the Rogers Funeral Home. 380 Cambridge Cambridge, Saturday at 9:45. Requiem High Mass at St. Mary's Church at 10:45. Relatives and friends respectfully invited.

Visiting hours Thursday 7-10, Friday 2-5 and 7-10. REILLY-In Beachmont, Oct. 19. Daniel beloved husband of Mary (Hickey) Reilly, and father of Robert of Beachmont, Thomas of Lynn, Francis of Peabody, and brother of Mrs. Mary Bleakley of Bangor, Me.

Funeral from the Porcella Funeral Home, 876. Winthrop Friday, Oct. 22. at 8:30 a. m.

Solemn Requiem High Mass in Our Lady of Lourde's Church at 9:30 m. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10. Late member of Boston Letter Carriers Mutual Benefit Association and Beachmont Holy Name Society. ROGERS- In West Roxbury, suddenly, October 19, Frank husband of Nellie M.

(Denton) Rogers. of 42 Mt. Vernon st. Services at the Stratford Street Baptist Church, corner of Stratford st. and Anawan Friday at 2 p.

m. Relatives and friends invited. Kindly omit flowers. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Stratford Street Baptist Church Expansion Fund. Friends may call at the Folsom Funeral Chapel.

63 Belgrade Roslindale, Thursday evening from 7 to 9 p. m. SHATTUCK-O1 25 Lindale North Weymouth, Oct. 20, Bessie daughter of the late Anna (Stone) and James K. Shattuck.

Relatives and friends are invited to attend the service at the Russell Funeral Home, 644 Hanco*ck Wollaston. Friday, Oct. 22 at 1:30 o'clock. Friends may visit at the funeral home afternoons and evenings. THORN--In Reading Oct.

19. Elizabeth V. (Lewis) wife of the late Jesse Thorn. Services at the Edgerley Bessom Funeral Home 743 Main Reading. Friday, Oct, 22d at 2 D.

m. Friends may call Thursday evening 7-9. DEATHS TOBIN- -In Dorchester, October 19, 1954. Thomas Tobin, age 79. late of 9 Brantwood Winchester, formerly of 74 Edson Dorchester.

Funeral from the Stephen E. Brennick Chapel. 197 Norfolk Friday, October 22, at 8 m. Solemn High Mass of Requiem in St. Matthew's Church at 9 m.

Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours. 2-5 and 7-10 p. m. WILLARD-In Somerville Oct.

late 19. Emma beloved wife of the George be: Willard of 125 Josephine av. Funeral services at the E. L. KelTeher Funeral Home.

67. Broadway, friends Friday, invited. Visitine hours Relatives 2-5 and 7-10 p. m. WRENN-In Dedham.

Oct. 20th, Phillip W. Wrenn, at his residence, 383 Westfield st. Funeral services at St. Paul's Church, Dedham on Friday, Oct.

22nd at 2 p. m. It is earnestly requested that no flowers be sent. WRIGHT -Of Newton. Oct.

20. Ethel of 32 Kimball terrace, Newtonville, widow of Harold A. Wright and mother of Blakeslee D. Wright. Services at the St.

John' Episcopal Church, Lowell av. at Otis Newtonville, Friday Oct. 22 at 2 p. m. Friends may call at the Gregg Chapel, 296 Walnut Newtonville, Thursday, 7 to 9 p.

m. Interment in family lot. Westbrook. Conn. Kindly omit flowers.

Contributions may be made to the St. John's Memorial Fund. YEAMANS In Cambridge. Oct. 20.

1954, of No. 3 Cpl McTiernan road, formerly Lake st. Charles P. beloved husband of the late Anna (Eustis) Yeamans. Funeral services at St.

Peter's Episcopal Church, Mass. av. and Sellers Saturday, Oct. 23 at 2 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited.

Late member of Cambridge Lodge Odd Fellows Putnam A.F.A.M. and Knights of Pythias. Friends may call at the Thomas H. O'Hara Funeral Home, 2192 Mass, No Cambridge, Thursday and Friday. Visiting hours 2-4 and 7-9.

RAY C. COMPTON, who was appointed, merchandising district division manager of of Mon- the santo Chemical Company for the New England area, yesterday. He succeeds Robert Lawrence, who takes over as manager of the Dairy Markets JOBBING EGGS--Native in case lots: Large, 51c; mediums, 39c. BUTTER-92-score pound, 68c; prints: pound, 67c. Individual, 69c; quarter WHOLESALE EGGS Sales Wednesday: Large, at 550 cases at 38c; mediums, 500 cases 25c; pullets, 125 cases at 20c Premiums of 1c were reported.

Bid: Large, 38c; mediums. 25c; pullets, 20c. LIVE POULTRY (United States Department of Agriculture Farm Prices)- Hens, 6 pounds and up, 11-13c; lighter, 12-14c. Roasters. pounds and up, 18-20c: pounds.

16-19c; pounds, 16-19c. Fryers, 15-9c. roosters, Broilers. 16-19c. Stags and 7c.

BUTTER York) -93-score, 61c; 19-25c. 92-score, 60c; 90-score, 58c. Foreign Exchange NEW YORK. Oct. 20 (AP)-Closing foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain in dollars.

others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market percent premium or 103.12½ United States cents, Great Britain (pound) $2.7912. up of a cent; France (franc) of a cent, unchanged; Italy (lira) of cent, unchanged. DEATHS ALGER-In Somerville, Oct. 19, 1954. residence, .274 Beacon st.

Mary A. (Elder) Alger, beloved wife of the late Edmund H. Alger Funeral from the Edward M. Walsh Funeral Home. 2175 Mass.

North Cambridge on Friday morning at 8. followed by a Requiem High Mass in St. Catherine Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours 2-5 and 7-10.

ARONSON -On Wednesday, of 53 Oct. 20, Rae L. Aronson Homestead stir Roxbury, widow of Simon, beloved mother of Bernard and Samuel Davis of Dorchester. Dr. Mildred Davis of Chicago, Arnold Aronson of N.

Y. Rosalind Kahn of State College, Charles Mark Aronson of Boston, sister of Sterling of Roxbury. Services at the Levine Memorial Chapel, 394 Washington Dorchester. Thursday. Oct.

21 at 2:30 p. m. Memorial week at the home of Samuel Davis. 11 Ashton Dorchester. Please omit flowers.

BAUER-In Boston, Oct. 18, Augusta, widow of Martin Bauer of 10 Long Allston. Funeral services at the Waterman Chapel, 495 Commonwealth Kenmore Boston, Saturday, Oct. 23, at 2 p. m.

BERNAT-In Dorchester, Oct. 19, Katherine, of 36 King beloved wife of Alexander P. and beloved mother of Albert and Frank Bernat. Funeral from the Casper Funeral Home. 187 Dorchester So.

Boston. Friday, Cct. 22 at Mass 8:15 in a. St. m.

Solemn Peter's High Funeral (Lithuanian) Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. m. BUSCHINI--In of 26 Dorchester.

Bellevue October beloved husband of Cesarina (Aimone), Funeral from the J. B. Cole Gleagon Funeral Home. 490 Columbia on Friday at 8:15 a. m.

Solemn High Mass of Requiem at St. Peter's Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends invited. Visiting hours, Wednesday, 7-10 p. Thursday.

2-4. 7-10 p. m. BRAIN-In Boston, Oct. 19th, William F.

Brain, husband of Dorothy (Nichols) Brain, of 27. Wheeler st. Son of Archibald and Alice. (Cuthill) Brain. Funeral services at the Church of All Nations, 85 Shawmut Boston.

on Thursday, Oct. 21st at 2 P. m. Friends may call at the Waterman Chapel, 495 Commonwealth Kenmore Boston, on Wednesday 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m.

In place of flowers, donations may be sent to the William F. Brain Memorial Scholarship Fund, care of Charles Hayden Goodwill Inn, 27 Wheeler Boston. BRAND- On Wednesday, Oct. 20, Ignatius Brand 240 Wolcott road. Brookline, husband of the late Fannie (Gross).

beloved father of Mrs. George A. Goulston of Brookline and Mrs. Alex Oppenheim of Miami Beach, brother of Morris Brand of Chicago. Services at the Levine Chapel, 470 Harvard Brookline, Friday, Oct.

22. Time to be announced. BURCKHART-In. Dorchester. Oct 20.

George Frederick, beloved husband of the late Catherine M. Burckhart (nee Henry), father of Catherine M. and Edward F. Burckhart. brother of Joseph H.

and the late Nicholas A. Burckhart. Funeral from his late residence. 26 Lyndhurst on Saturday, Oct. 23.

at 10 a. m. Solemn Requiem High Mass at St. Mark's Church at 11 o'clock. Relatives and friends respectfully invited.

Late retired member Boston Fire Department, of Russell Club. Mass. Permanent Firemen's Association. St. Mark's Holy Name Society and St.

Gabriel's Laymen's Retreat League. Interment New Calvary. CARRET-Miss Frances Weld, formerly Cambridge, died Santa Barbara, Oct. 19. Daughter of the late Jose Francisco and Sarah Weld Carret of Cambridge.

Private funeral service at Santa Barbara, Oct. 21. CARTER--In Boston, Oct, 19th. Barbara Buchanan, wife of Louis A. Carter of Brighton.

Funeral services at the Waterman Chapel, 495 Commonwealth Kenmore Square, Boston, on Friday, Oct. 22nd at 2 p. m. Friends may call at the chapel Thursday afternoon and evening. CELLUCCI -In Brighton, of Oct.

19, Cesidio, beloved husband Teresa (Poto). Father of Frank, Daniel, Anthony of Los Angeles, Alfred of Watertown: Lucey LiPoma of Newton; Carmine Cellucci of Brighton. Funeral from J. Warren Sullivan Funeral Home, 35 Henshaw at 8:30 a. m.

Solemn Requiem High Mass at Sacred Heart Church. North at 10 a. m. Relatives and friends invited. CHARLAND Suddenly, in Melrose, Oct.

20, Lizzie I. (Crowell), of 810 Main sister of Kate H. Jaques and Cal George D. Crowell, Services at Robinson Chapel. 809 Main Friday at 1:30 o'clock.

Friends may call at the chapel Thursday 7 to 9 p. m. CLAGUE-In. Wilmington, formerly of East Boston and Winthrop, Oct. 19, Daniel C.

husband of the late father Josephine of Mrs. Clague Charlotte (Broussard) Wandell and Frederick Clague of Wilmington and Daniel C. Clauge Jr. of East Boston. Funeral Cavanaugh services Son at Funeral the 374 S.

Home, Main Wilmington, Friday, Oct. 22, at 1:30 Relatives and friends invited. Late member Mount Tabor Lodge. hours A. Boston.

Mass. Visiting 2-5 and 7-10 p. m. CLEGG -In Brookline Oct. 19.

William J. husband of the late Bessie H. (Barbrick) Clegg. Residence 102 Franklin st. Funeral from the J.

J. Kirby Funeral Home. 58 Harvard on Friday morning. Oct, 22. at 8:15 a.

m. with Solemn High Mass of Requiem in St. Mary of the Assumption Church at 9 o'clock. Relatives and friends are invited. Calling hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.

Retired member of Brookline Dept. Member of Stephen F. Rutledge Post No. 864 V. F.

W. and member of 101 Inf Veterans Assn MG Comp. Interment Walnut Hill Cemetery. olomon FUNERAL I HOME AIR CONDITIONED AMPLE PARKING 420 HARVARD BROOKLINE AS 1-8371-AS 1-3623 GAFFEY Funeral Service HIGH -MEDFORD-MY 6-7700 Sharon MEMORIAL PARK INTERMENT, SERVICES Thursday, Oct. 21, 1954 DAVID LEAVITT Late of Revere, Mass.

At 12:30 P. M. Stephen F. Rutledge Post, V. F.

864 We regret to announce the death of at the J. J. Kirby Funeral Home, 58 our comrade William J. V. F.

W. ritual on Thursday, Oct. 21. at 8:30 p. m.

Harvard st. Brookline. Solemn High Mass of Requiem in St. Mary's of the Assumption Church, Friday at 9 o'clock. All comrades, are requested to attend.

JAMES KELLY. Commander; JOSEPH F. Cypress Commandery No. 39, K. T.

We regret to announce the death of Sir Knight David Brown in South Weymouth, Oct. 19, 1954. Funeral services Friday, 1:30, at Wickens and Troupe. 26 Adams Quincy, Visiting hours Thursday 2-4 and 7-9. EMINENT SIR CHESTER L.


Kennedy, Post V. F. W. We regret to announce the death of our comrade, Bartholomew L. Fahey, Chaplain, on Oct.

18. Services V. at East Cambridge and Dorchester. F. W.

services will be held at the funeral home on Wednesday at 7:30 m. Hedley Alward. Commander, William Blackden, Adjutant. South Boston Council K. of C.

Special meeting Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock to take action on the death of our Vaisnoris. late G. brother Hugh Joseph K. Joseph K. Howell.

R. S. WEST ROXBURY POST A. L. We regretfully announce death of Comrade Frank the Vincent.

Legion ritual to be held at Folsom Funeral Chapel, 63 Belgrade Roslindale, on Thursday evening at 8:30 All comrades are requested to attend. COR- EDWARD D. Adjutant; NELIUS J. MURPHY, Commander. Asked 10 12 23 8 15 18 23 19 2.67 17 39 20 29.

26 24 83 43 191 12' 41 161 52 31 93 381 57 Victoreen Inst. Puritan Fund 5.52 Wamsutta 9 Putnam Fund 21.97 Warn Swas xd Scud a 32.42 32.42 Warren Bros .31 Sc Cm Stk a 18.23 18.23 (SD) Shareholders 31.62 34.18 West Pt Mfg .19 State St. Inv 70.00 74.50 Wever Timber 93 99 Television Fd 9.58 10.44 Whitin Mach 22 Texas Fund 6,23 6.81 Whiting Corp United Inc Fd 15.94 17.33 Wurlitzer Wellington Fd 23.23 25.33 N. E. UTILITIES Bid Asked aNet asset value.

Bangor Hydro 31 FINANCIAL Brock Taunton Bid Asked Cent Me Pwr 22. Amer Express Cen Me Pw pt Amoskeas Co 180 190 Cnt Vt PS. Amoskeag pf .90 Vt PS 4.15 pf 95 Baystate Corp PS 4.75 Beneficial Corp Conn Lt Pw .40 First Bos Corp 55 Conn Power State Loan Fall East River Gas BOSTON BANKS Util 35 Fitchburg Safe Dep 110 Bid Asked Green Haverhill Mt Elec Pow Day Trust 100 Haverhill Gas .41 First Merchants National 360 385 Holyoke Housatonic Pw 24 26 Nat Shawmut 47 Elec Pilgrim Trust. Trust 100 Lowell Lawrence Elec' Gas. 55 59 Rockland Atlas 64 69 New Lynn Eng 33 State St Trust 78 83 Seed National 107 112 Serv.

U.S Trust. Providence El Gas 9 97 ..37 represents last PS of NH 3.35 pf 16, must be offered to diappraisal: capital stock Springfield Gas rectors. STORES PUBLIC UTILITIES Bid Asked Bid Asked Colonial Stores Arizona PS Lincoln Kennedy's Stores pf 20 Ark Ark Mo West Pow aGs 26 National Shirt .24 Atlanta Gas BANKS Cal Int Tel Bid Asked Oregon Pw Bk Am Cent Bk Manh Centl Ill Bk of .420 435 Centl Tele Bankers .55 Consumers Wat Chase Tenn Gas. Chem Corn Ex 49 El Paso EL 36 Cont Ill Gen Wat Wks Empire 145 Gulf Int Gas. 1st NB NY .426 Indiana GW Girard Trust .60 61 Iowa Electric Guaranty Iowa Pub Serv 29 Hanover Bk 96 1021 Iowa So Util Ind Bk of Com 33 353 Jamaica Water 38 Irving Kansas Mfrs Kentucky Util 23 J.P Mor Co 309 National 94 Natl Bk of Det 52 Nor Ind Natl City Nowest PS do rts .13 23 Otter Tail Pow Trust Pac Pow Lt Pennsylv Co 48 Portland Public Pub Serv Sterig 143 Puget Sd US Trust Co 296 Rock Rochester Lt Tel Pw 16 INSURANCE Scr Sierra SB Wat Pow 33 Bid Asked COMPANIES Pac Pow Aetna Caslty 186 So Colo Fire 71 So Union Nat Gas.

Gas 20 Aetna Life 137 144 Sowest Sowest Tel 5. Agricultural St Am Auto 55 Tenn Gas Tr .24 253 Am Equitable 35 Tex Trans Am Fid Texas Gas Gas Tr Am Fid Co pt Transcon Am Insurance 301 Tucson Transcon bf 21 Am Re-Insur Utd Utilities 20 Boston Surety Insur .38 Amer Up Peninsula pf. Camden Fire Va Prod Columb'n Natl 92 98 Va Lt Water Tel 29 Gen 364 West Wiscon Cont Caslty Employ Group INVESTMENT Federal 31 COMPANIES Fidelity Dep 89. Amliated Fd $5.56 Bid Asked $6.01 Fireman's Fd Fire Asso Am Bus Shrs 4.42 Gen Axc Hghtn A 10.99 11.95 Reinsur Falls .40 BI Rid Mu Fd 11.48 12.48 Globe Rep 20 Ightn 21.28 23.13 Glens Bond Inv Tr 22.48 24.17 8.50 American Rutz 40 Bond Fd of Bos 8.26 Hanover Fire Boston Fund .27.72 29.97 Hartford Fire 176 Canada Bullock Gen. 29.79 11.14 12.04 Hartid St Boil 82 32.64 Can Gen '54) 9.50 10.50 Ins Home Co of Insur No A 94 102 47 Cent Canadian Shrs Fd Tr .21.04 Lincoln Nat 303 14.03 15.19 Colonial Chemical Fund Fd 16.04 17.41 Mass Bd Ins 24.70 Maryl Concord Common 13.62 7.83 14.72 Nat Fire 8.51 Merch Fire Inv Tr.

35.00 37.50 Nat New Union Ams Cas 43 46 Cons. Delaware Diversified Fd Funds: 19.17 21.08 Fire Div Dividend Invest Shrs Fd 2.15 8.25 9.04 2.35 North River Ea Ea How Stk Bal 18.33 16.74 Pacific Ind. 19.60 Northern Fin Fidelity Indus Fd 22.36 2.99 24.17 3.27 Peerless Cas Formula Fundmntl Fd Inv 24.43 11.81 St Paul 12.94 Prov-Wash Indus Fd 21.63 77.67 Std Spfld Accident M. 68 Gen Gas. Capital 72.23 Group Fully Ad Securities: Shrs 8.61 78 Travelers .1374 1415 Gen Railrd Bond.

Bond. 9.05 2.97 Westchester 463 Railrd Equip 4.48 4.92 UNITED STATES BONDS 9.57 10.48 (Quoted in 32ds) Hudson Fund 13.74 14.85 Bid Asked Inc Investors 13.28 14.36 54 Dec 100.13 100.14 Inv Tr of Bos 15.02 16.42 54-55 Dec 100.12 100.14 Keystone Custodian: ANION 55-60 56-58 101.18 100.29 101. 101.20 27.23 .25.21 27.51 56-59 101.5 101.7 19.23 20.98 .103.14 103.22 10.91 11.91 57-59 ..101.27 101.31 18.83 1958 101.31 102.2 9.83 10.74 53-63 105.22 106. 13.46 14.69 1958 Dc 102.19 102.22 10.19 10.80 7.73 8.44 1s 59-62 1960 59-621 Dc 100.7 100.10 100.10 100.13 100.13 100.10 1 6.19 60-65 107.28 108.6 pomis Syls a 40.64 40.64 1961 103.11 103.14 Manhattan Bd 8.09 8.87 61 Nov 101.16 101.19 Mass Inv'tors 24.90 26.92 62-67 100.20 100.24 Mass Growth 21.90 23.68 100. 100.

100.4 Mass Life Fd 32.92 National Securities: De 99.26 99.30 Balanced 10.28 11.23 99.24 Income 3.40 5.90 99.2 99.26 Stock 99.24 Speculative. 3.85 4.21 3 Nat New Eng 110.18 110.22 18.49 99.20 The Charitable Irish Society, FOUNDED 1737 Notice 15 regretfully given of the death of our fellow member, Hugh Duffy, services admitted be April held 21, at St. 1914. Columb- Funeral kille's Church. Friday morning, 10 o'clock.

WILLIAM H. HENCHEY, President; DAVID A. Secretary. The Charitable Irish Society, FOUNDED 1737 Notice is regretfully given of the death of James Duncan Philips, a Life Member of our Society. Funeral services will be held at Governor Dummer Academy, South Byfield.

on Friday, at 2 o'clock. WILLIAM HENCHEY. President: DAVID A. KEOHAN, Secretary. UNVEILINGS The Unveiling of a Memorial Late MITCHELL M.

ROSSER will be held Sunday, October 24, 1954, at 11:30 a. m. at the Congregation Agudath Israel Cemetery, Baker West Roxbury. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. The unveiling of a memorial to the late ANNIE RAPPOPORT will be held at the Hebrew Progressive Cemetery Grove West Roxbury, Sunday, Oct.

24, 1954 at 11 a. m. Relatives and friends are invited. The unveiling of a Memorial to the late EDWARD ATKINS will be held Sunday, Oct. 24 at 2:30 p.

m. at Temple Israel Cemetery, Wakefield, Mass. Relatives and friends invited. IN MEMORIAM 1949-John T. Mullins -1954 Anniversary mass will be celebrated at Church of the Immaculate Conception.

Harrison Ave. on Saturday, October 23, at 8 o'clock. Lovingly remembered by his ter, Mrs. Thomas R. Drey and Family.

1952-John A. Malloy-1954 Sweet memories will linger forever. Time cannot change them it is true. Wife, Ann. 1944-Joseph H.

McGlone-1954 Tenth anniversary. Perpetual mass being said at the Shrine of St. Anthony. Lovingly remembered by his wife and family, FLOWERS TELEGRAPHED Tort Horist 1124 Tremont St. LI 2-4317 Funeral Directory ALLSTON ST 2-0389 QUINCY GR 2-7423 CARLEY FUNERAL SERVICE RUSSELL FUNERAL HOME 556 Cambridee.

St. 644 Hanco*ck St. BOSTON CO 6-3434 RANDOLPH RA 6-0199 SAMUEL J. SULLIVAN 318 Shawmut Ave. R.



CASSIDY J. E. HENDERSON CO. 748 E. Broadway 517 Broadway STONEHAM ST 6-0135 EVERETT EV 9-0852 JOHN BRYANT'S SONS SHATTUCK FUNERAL HOME Stoneham and Somerville Est.

1852 605 Broadway WATERTOWN WA 4-0312 MALDEN MA 2-0834 JOSEPH A. MacDONALD WEIR FUNERAL HOME Riverside St. at Watertown Sc. Colin H. Dennis MEDFORD MY 8-0128 WEST ROXBURY FA 4-2000 BEALS FUNERAL HOME P.

E. MURRAY 29 Governors Ave. West Roxbury and Roxbury NORWOOD NO 7-1509 WOBURN WO 2-1324 MAY FUNERAL HOME ARTHUR P. GRAHAM 85 Nichols St. 3 Arlington Road.

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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