Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: The Witch of Fortune - Green_Phantom_Queen, XenoEmblem4TW (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1: The Deal with the Dual Immortals

Yusei sighed as he snuggled into Kiryu’s arms, feeling better within his embrace after a long day of work and their earlier meeting. “What do you think of the new member, dear?” He asked quietly.

"Well she murdered that divine asshole in her first duel after being resurrected," Kiryu stated. "She also took down that tower of Babel along with him. So that means all the souls of the Arcadia Movement belong to her and Misty now! Misty will finally avenge her brother’s death by having an army of psychos doing her bidding! Imagine that the biggest threat to our plans was taken down by a journalist in the most destructive way possible!" He giggled at how much fun it was to pick at the brains of the Psychics and then have the parents and family of them be in horror at how they drove their children to their deaths or permanent dismemberment!

He then looked down to his lover, cradling him closer as he nudged him fondly. “By the way, what’s wrong with love? You were so aloof at that meeting. Normally that’s my job, but you were not yourself. Is something on your mind?” He asked softly, rubbing circles along his love’s back.

Yusei frowned, arms around Kiryu like rope hanging from a swaying palm tree. "I'm mad that Carly of all people got loving parents, powerful ones, and she wasn't forced to carry the sins off of their back. She had all that power yet she's stuck playing cameraman for assholes who don't care for the news unless it actively affects them."

“But you cannot blame her for that dear. Carly had no control over her life or social situation anymore than we did.”

"I blame both Goodwin brothers for enacting Zero Reverse. I blame the media for scapegoating my father. I blame Security for torturing us when they're not willing to do their jobs..." Yusei felt the power surge through him in another attempt to unleash hell upon the populace, whether they deserved it or not.

Kiryu swiftly kissed him, cutting him from his rant as he made Yusei focus on him. “We cannot change what has happened, but we can do something about the present. Don’t wallow on the past, dear. It only makes you feel worse. Instead, focus on how we will enact sweet justice upon those fools and everyone else complicit in our torment.” He purred, nuzzling his partner as Yusei settled. The aura around him grew fainter as he calmed.

“It just feels like I’m always being punished for my father’s deeds. Even if it’s as small as just seeing people have a loving family…” Yusei mumbled cuddling into Kiryu’s chest. “I guess I’m just tired… of seeing so many things that could have been… Not just for me, but for all of us…” Yusei admitted quietly. His voice sounded hollow as Kiryu looked sadly at him. It always tugged at his heart to see Yusei so broken and hurt. He leaned over to kiss the raven softly again to reassure him.

“Just settle for a bit, love. I promise things will get better. At the least you can be happy that Rex had a nice fallout with the public.” Kiryu joked positively. It was certain that someone would find out what Yusei did. The man was practically thrown out the window in the most comical manner ever! If Kiryu was there, he would have spun Yusei around, kissing him fiercely as they basked in the rising sun amongst sparkling shattered glass.

Jaeger also had to beg for mercy to not be killed, stating he had a family...not that either of them cared, what with the thousands of families Security destroyed or brainwashed to put themselves on top. Still, Jaeger was needed for someone to keep Security running. And to answer questions from the press over what the hell just happened and why the (now deceased) head of Security was killed.

“I don’t want to talk to Misty and Roman later. They wouldn’t fully understand, not like you…” Yusei mumbled.

"We have to; they're basically our mom and dad now," Kiryu snickered. "Besides, we have to do right for our little sister or else her parents will put a cap on us."

“I don’t really care. What Carly does and feels is not our responsibility. She needs to learn how to handle these things. She’s not going to get far if she can’t endure a little tease. That’s not even me at my worst.” Yusei grumbled, burying his face further into his love’s chest.

Kiryu frowned. "At least be a little gentle with her. Lest she one day decides to pull your arm off and slap you across the face that you eventually hit a wall."

“I will… eventually. Just not now... I’m tired.” Yusei whined. Kiryu sighed as he continued stroking him. He looked up then, seeing two calm yet disappointed faces.

“Did you hear everything? Or do you need a refresher on what Yusei and I discussed?” Kiryu asked expectedly. He moved to address them better but decided to let Yusei continue to cuddle against him for comfort. Depending on their talk, Yusei would feel worse, and he’s already in the early stages of another mood twist. It was concerning, especially since the raven’s been getting worse lately. Kiryu would have to find more ways to make his love feel better.

"Do you want the lecture first or the scolding?" Misty asked deadpanned.

“Scolding, get it over with.” Kiryu answered, pointing to Yusei who wasn’t paying too much attention. He was too addled right now to properly scold anyways and the silverette was always better at taking sh*t anyways.

"You took the time between the meeting to welcome our newest member of the Umbra Witches to kill my brother and enact a prison break?!" Roman roared. "It was one thing to pull Bommer out of that prison van after he tried to chop my brother's head off, but then you tossed my brother through a window in broad daylight?!”

“Yusei needed an outlet and I got bored and decided to be helpful to others for once.” Kiryu said simply. Yusei grunted as he heard the conversation but paid little heed. Instead he squeezed Kiryu tighter.

“Your brother I get, but why are you so upset with me releasing Boomer? The more allies we have outside the Lumen Sages and the other Witches is a huge boon. I didn’t kill him anyhow.” Kiryu replied dismissing Roman’s rage. His brother honestly had worse coming and after all the sh*t he enabled, the Dark Signer didn’t care for his fate. Roman should know this, and expect one of them to have pulled something sooner rather than later.

"It's Bommer," Roman corrected. "And do you think he's willing to side with the Umbra Witches of all people? He's from the People of the Stars, he who worships the Crimson Dragon. He won't give up his faith so easily."

Oh let’s support those who offer sacrifices to the Crimson Dragon rather than help those in need.” Kiryu mocked as Roman’s eye twitched. “Also we are not saying he’d side with us. Just that we have a mutual agreement and hatred for the corruption of this city and the crimes your brother committed. He doesn’t even have to join us for that. Bommer would gladly make a convenient truce if it means helping him get justice for his people.”

“Why else would Yusei so eagerly toss your brother outside a window to aid in such a noble cause?” Kiryu snickered, patting Yusei in delight at the thought. Yusei held no restrictions when Bommer suggested they’d kill Goodwin. It was a glorious spectacle to watch and one Yusei was invested wholeheartedly in.

Roman clenched his teeth but knew he had no leg to stand on. "So the only reason you spared my brother's life at the Fortune Cup was to put his defenses down?"

"Bommer needed proof that we were serious. If we killed Goodwin, he'd join us." Yusei said plainly.

“You both were reckless but I can see there was considerate thought and reason behind your actions. Though I will say, never do anything like this again without our counsel. There is too much risk otherwise.” Misty said sternly as Kiryu nodded. Yusei just let out a grunt in acknowledgment.

"The city is already full of chaos with the Arcadia Movement destroyed as it is!" Roman added. "Goodwin's death is now riling the online forums over Security's failure to stop them sooner. And whether or not Ccaryhua and Ascilla piscu were the beasts of the apocalypse."

"nah, those two ain't furry or bipedal or have three sixes on their head," Kiryu joked.

“Security was already a failure and a disaster. Nothing can change that. Besides, if it wasn’t us then someone else was going to do it and that would have looked uglier.” Kiryu stated unamused. Plus their Immortals thrived on the chaos, direct and not. This should not be a problem, and if it was Ccapac Apu would have talked to him sooner. He had a feeling Cusillu would do the same for Yusei.

"He has a point," Misty noted. "Who knows if Akiza did such a thing? She would've gone for revenge herself but she would've prolonged your brother's death, flailed his corpse by having Black Rose Dragon smash it around until there was just bloody meat that was once a body."

“Least we have the sense to keep his body intact.” Kiryu snorted. “Anyhow he had it coming and was due for something. You would not believe the amount of plans we overhear in the shadows of the city. Your brother earned the ire of many people. It’s not just us that have a vendetta against him.”

"Except those people have morals," Roman rolled his eyes. "They know that attacking the head of Security would lead to more problems, even though they secretly wished for his death."

“Someone would have found a break. People are crafty nowadays. It was only a matter of time.” Kiryu mused darkly.

Misty groaned. "You do realize there's no way for the media to spin this around. He will be revived and this will blow the masquerade out of whack."

“We have the Lumen Sages and a bunch of psychics who can bring duel spirits to life just like us. Whose to say he’ll spin a tale that he has a secret assistant who’ll use magic or the sort to heal his body and protect his soul? Your brother is a great liar when he wills. He’ll think of something.” Kiryu retorted

“He’s been spitting out crap for years and no one has ever batted an eye to his false claims. This is just another one of those things he’ll have to bullsh*t his way out of. Let us vent a little. It’s not like he can actually hurt us in the way he wants.” Kiryu grumbled leaning back onto the bed.

"Besides, when he finally comes to us, we can just beat him up some more!" Yusei giggled. "He has a lot of explaining to do as to why I was the scapegoat for Satellite's crimes. Plus I get to see Jackie and Crow-boy again!"

The raven had a sinister look to his face which unnerved Misty and Roman but thrilled his lover. The two couldn't wait to mess around with Goodwin some more. There were so many more plans the couple had in store for him~ Any chance to make him more miserable is fun.

"I'm starting to regret inviting him into our coven..." Roman sighed. How did it all come to this?


The two had given up hope. They had no reason to live, no reason to escape. No energy to do anything except hold each other in their dying moments.

Yusei was the first to succumb to death. Kiryu felt his world shatter seeing his love die. His quiet breaths slowed until at last he stilled, hand dropping, heartbeat gone. Those beautiful blue eyes stared back emptily at him as Kiryu let out his own tears.

I'm so sorry, Yusei. he mourned, feeling his own life fading from him. As he felt the last of his strength leave, he gave his love one last kiss before closing his eyes. Letting sweet death claim him at long last, ending his suffering as darkness claimed his being.

No one would care; they'd be cremated, ashes scattered into the wind. Their "friends" did nothing to save them, leaving them to rot. They would be forgotten like all who were killed when Zero Reverse initially rocked Domino City in half. There wasn’t even a memorial built for all who died. Yusei and Kiryu’s names would be remembered by a handful of children, and that was all.

The two stayed there in silence, in each other's arms. Together in death...but in the darkness that led to the afterlife, their souls held onto one another, terrified for what lay next.

Yusei shivered, crying out for warmth, for Kiryu to keep him safe. He didn't remember crying when he was younger, but now he wept and wailed as he waited for whatever horrors of the afterlife to devour him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Yusei cried. "I should've done more to save you..."

Kiryu could not help the tears that fell down his face as they awaited their judgment. Bitterness and anger gripped his soul as he too languished over their fate. He failed his Team, his friends, his home, his beloved and now they are dead.

"It's not your fault, love. I should have done things differently, and now we both are paying the price." The teen muttered as he hugged the raven closer. Both bearing each other's sorrow and guilt as they aimlessly wandered the darkness. "You couldn't have controlled it; Security wanted a scapegoat. They wanted to show that those who wanted to change the system would be crushed, so no thought of rebellion entered their heads."

"I-it's not fair!" Yusei sobbed. "All we were doing was just trying to survive! To help make our home as safe as can be! Why did they have to come and make things worse for all of us?!"

"I know it's not." Kiryu said. "They took our cards, your dragon...because they knew that those were our hope. No one cared, not even the stars."

"Please don't leave me..." Yusei begged desperately, feeling more and more broken from everything. "I don't want to endure this hell without you..."

"I will never leave. It's like that Death Cab for Cutie song. I'll follow you into the dark, my shooting star. I'll never let you go."

Yusei cried as he waited for the eternity to stretch, Kiryu comforting him. That was when two voices rumbled and shrieked in glee.

Well well well… What a cute adorable pair you two make. It’s quite refreshing to see such despair and love down here after so long. You two are fine souls for us~ a booming voice echoed. Yusei trembled as he gripped Kiryu tight. Yet even he was fearful at what the foreign voice was implying. Did they plan to have their souls eaten?!

Two for the price of one. You will be our anchors to the world of the living. Rejoice for not just any soul can be granted our unlimited might.

"Why should we join you?" Kiryu snarled. "To be tortured or enslaved?"

Feisty aren’t we? I like you. the second voice giggled. The unnerving sound tearing through the vast emptiness. We are ancient beings, known as the Earthbound Immortals, who are sealed within the Earth and Guardians of the Netherworld. If you have entered our realm, it means you can have a second chance. A chance to go back to the world of the living to right the wrongs done to you. the first voice explained, power and authority oozing from his tone. Kiryu swore there was a hint of amusem*nt in their voice but he really couldn’t tell. His mind was more focused on the Immortal's words. The concept of being able to go back piqued the two’s interest but they were extremely wary.

There had to be some catch if a being down here was offering such a thing. Nothing is ever free, especially when it comes to deals.

"What do you want from us in return?" Kiryu hissed. "Our memories? Our love? I'll never let go of Yusei; I'll rip you all to pieces if you take him away!"

Yusei felt his heart swell from that declaration as the voices just laughed. The authoritative voice spoke again. Oh no, nothing of that sort. In fact, you two can be together again if that is what you both wish. That would be more beneficial in the long run of things. What we want in return is your aid and commitment to our cause as well.

One of our duties is to obtain and tend to fallen souls, both in the living world and those in the Netherworld. However, we can not be in the living world to tend to those souls unless we have a vessel or an anchor. That is where you would come in. You two would house our powers and be our tether so we can do our duties more efficiently and in return we give you the means to return to 'life'. It does come with a side effect though. This new life is going to be unnatural as you two would have a state of undeath as you call it, but it is not all bad. the first voice clarified.

Yeah! You can not age, get sick, or die again. You would be essentially Immortal and immune to almost every danger known to man! the second voice screeched gleefully. The only threats against you would be other divine or magically touched beings, but you would be well protected against them. We all have our own duties and boundaries. So unless someone was naughty and broke the rules, we can't touch each other nor those chosen to help us. The second voice added as clapping rang through the darkness.

It sounded too good, but they had to take it. To avenge all the prisoners and Satellite who died before them before realizing a dream. To see Jack and Crow again. To demand answers.

Yusei was still unsure, but if they can be together then he could endure it. He would not leave Kiryu alone regardless of his decision. "So long as you don't mind us being together..." he mumbled softly as Kiryu held him fondly.

His lover thought a bit more before asking another question. "And it isn't a problem if we also have a bit of fun with these powers? Like messing around with Security and what not?" There was an underlying tone of insanity and rage beneath his words as both voices just laughed at his question.

Of course, and if you go overboard they fit in the category of corrupt and misguided souls. So they would fall under our jurisdiction if there were any unfortunate accidents. the gleeful one howled.

Yusei knew it was tempting, but he would take it. He didn't want this loneliness. He wanted answers. He wanted to tear apart the ghost of his father and demand answers as to why he allowed this to happen, allowing his son to suffer for 16 years without an explanation.

"Please," Yusei pleaded. "Let me save Satellite, let me wreak chaos on the Security who killed us, destroyed our hopes!"

“If you let us both go and wreak some havoc, we’ll gladly accept.” Kiryu promised. “There’s a lot of things we demand justice for and your aid would also help us do so much more for our people.”

The two voices laughed. Excellent. The one whose voice rumbled like a mountain said. You are quite ambitious souls. Perfect anchors to the living. And we must hurry. The guards are ready to cremate your remains and sell your clothes to the highest bidder.

The two felt furious at the news. Over our undead bodies... Kiryu growled as he and Yusei felt overwhelming power envelop their being. Gold and Blue eyes teemed with dark purple energy as the darkness around them spun and shifted.


It felt like a millennium when Yusei found himself no longer staring into darkness, but into piercing black eyes...he then heard someone approach their jail cell, ready to open it to separate the two and muttering at how they smell like sh*t.

“Finally dead, are we? I was beginning to question how long they'd last. Good riddance, less trash to keep around." the guard muttered, stepping inside.

What he didn't know was that was the first and last mistake he made in their presence.

As he leaned in to leer at Yusei, the guard suddenly felt something crush his windpipe. That was from Kiryu sitting up, eyes black, fangs forming in his teeth

“Don’t you dare f*cking touch him…” He hissed through his teeth. A dark aura surrounded him as he began to rise to his feet, one hand still on the guard’s neck.

The guard was paralyzed. "W-what the f*ck? How are you alive?"

He went towards his walkie-talkie, but Kiryu was quick to snatch it from the belt and crush it. And then he slammed the guard's head into the wall with a sickening crunch like a twig snapping under his foot.

“Not so mighty now are we?” The teen sneered, smiling cruelly as the guard crumpled pathetically. “You messed with the wrong people and now you’re getting your just desserts! Hope you like it in hell, for it has no mercy on the wicked.” He taunted before letting the body fall.

Yusei blinked as he saw Kiryu's new attire. Black cloak with blue trim and a crimson shirt, eyes black as the night, his criminal mark blood red as well.

“K-Kiryu? I-is that you?” He asked scared and meekly. Suddenly he wasn’t sure he was awake. This all seemed like a nightmare. A crazy hallucination before going to death row.

Kiryu sensed his lover's despair and turned to Yusei. "Yusei...you're...you've also changed. Black and yellow are a beautiful combination for you. Like a bee or a swallowtail butterfly."

Yusei slowly got up looking around in confusion. His movements sluggish but careful as he looked around before settling his gaze onto himself. His attire consisted of a folded crop top with criss-crossed belts along his sides and silky black pants. He wore a similar black cloak around his form but with a yellow trim. He suddenly felt very exposed and covered himself. “W-what is this?! Why am I dressed so girly?!” He cried, agitated and upset.

“Your hair is so silky smooth as well~" Kiryu cooed, noticing how the crab claws dropped and were like the wings of a butterfly. Even that cute little triangle mark under Yusei's left eye was like a kiss.

“This isn’t funny, Kiryu! None of this makes sense! We shouldn’t even be alive!” his lover anguished.

"I know it doesn't make sense, but we need to use this opportunity to get out as soon as possible," Kiryu said. "Just stay here, I need to pick up something for you..."

"...Promise me you'll come back?" Yusei whimpered, hugging himself as he tried to calm his nerves.

"I promise," Kiryu vowed, leaning close to press foreheads together. "Stay here until then. If someone does come for you, fight them off. Tap into that fire like that of a thousand suns if you need to."

"Ok... but don't hurt those who are like us. I know how you can get." Yusei chuckled emptily. Kiryu smiled as he nuzzled him comfortingly.

"Don't worry dear, I'm not that careless. The others well... All is fair in love and justice~" he cooed, giving his love another kiss in assurance.

Kiryu raced off down the halls, somehow aware of his newfound speed, his senses also lighting up. His vision was clear as a day in Satellite not covered in smog as he made sure to recall where those pig-heads resided in their office. He made sure to remember the face of the asshole who stole Stardust Dragon, but with it still being late at night, the hallways looked the same. And since Security always wore the same drab khaki uniforms, it was hard to tell who was who. Plus they could've hidden Stardust in a place only they knew. Like a safe.

f*ck; this was going to be harder than it looked.

Then would you like some assistance? that same booming voice from before rumbled inside his mind. Kiryu jerked in surprise looking around trying to see if anyone noticed him. Apparently his newfound powers kept him invisible, more or less, to the human eye.

"Er...yeah, I'd like the help," Kiryu muttered. "I have to hurry though; someone's bound to check up on the guy who was supposed to throw us into a furnace. Yusei's a tough fighter, but he's also reeling from being revived. The whole experience is a bit of whiplash"

It was an expected reaction from either of you. I'm not surprised it's him though. He seems more of a gentle but wiser soul. the voice observed

Four corridors down, to the left, go up one floor and then go towards the end of the hallway. The office where Stardust resides is there. The card is being kept in a special holder for the Director to come and retrieve it. Stardust bears a unique aura that is detectable by many divine and spiritual beings. It is impossible to hide from me. Later, we will teach you both how to harness your new powers. Until then, a little breakout is in session~ Chaos and destruction is more of my specialty, so I think you and I will get along quite nicely. the being rumbled quite pleased with this new turn of events.

Kiryu grinned, following the instructions as his ears perked up to the sound of breathing. To the sounds of hearts beating. To the future sounds of people screaming as he kicked the door open and punched the bastard's head clean off, covered in his blood.

"Ya ain't getting a bonus from your boss," Kiryu grinned. "Hope your wife and kid don’t mind you coming back in a body bag!"

He inspected the room fiercely. Eyes looking around for his target before grinning as he opened a drawer to see a silver blue dragon staring back at him from behind a clear sleeve. The newly reborn young man could feel a powerful spirit stirring from within in reaction to his presence. "Hello Stardust, Yusei will be so glad to see you~" he purred as he carefully pocketed it in his robes.

Kiryu swore he heard a light growl in confusion and wariness but paid it no heed as he quickly retreated and went back down from where he came. His love was waiting for him and he wanted to make sure no harm came to his beloved in his absence. If anyone tries to mess with him, they'll pay with their f*cking lives.

Glad that the other Security were awoken from the attack, and cursing up a storm over who could cause such an explosive death, Kiryu sauntered into his old jail cell to see Yusei waiting for him like an obedient puppy. Surrounded by two more corpses.

"I bet someone had fun," Kiryu grinned, handing Yusei Stardust Dragon. "She's fine; not hurt at all."

Yusei took the card with trembling hands, tears in his eyes. "S-s-stardust. I'm so sorry for what happened...I c-couldn't protect you..."

A soft coo filled with sadness resonated in his mind as he cradled the card close. Stardust enveloping him with a gentle aura as she understood, never once blaming him. Tears fell from the raven’s face at the forgiveness as his love knelt beside him. “Come on dear, we should leave while we can. You can apologize more later when we are safer.” Kiryu murmured gently.

Yusei nodded, just as they heard guards rushing towards their jail cell, guns aimed at them. Yusei pocketed Stardust Dragon before he put his hands in the air. Kiryu raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think it's allowed for the police to shoot an unarmed prisoner," Kiryu purred. "I didn't go to school but even I know that much."

Their guns suddenly roared as Yusei suddenly felt excruciating pain searing through his head and shoulder. A cry escaped his lips as he looked in shock and fear at the officers. Black blood oozed down his arm and blotted out his vision as Kiryu snarled viciously. “YOU DARE HARM HIM?! HE WASN’T EVEN RESISTING YOU BASTARDS!

Kiryu threw himself onto the ones who shot his love, his starlight, hearing their screams as he tore arms out of their sockets, then shot them in the head, blood splattering everywhere. Those idiots couldn't run far, and the chaos was music to his ears…

But it wouldn't erase the anger, the rage Kiryu had for these assholes shooting Yusei!

Yusei whimpered in distress on the floor. His body and mind in sudden turmoil as both processed the pain and unnerving feeling of being fatally wounded yet still be ‘alive’. It was a horrible experience and he couldn’t think straight. All he managed to do was sob and tremble in agony as his body slowly healed using his newfound power.

Oh how he wished he could just not feel anymore… Being dead should have destroyed his nervous system, but here he was crumpled and limp on the floor like a possum playing dead. Only he was dead.

All he could do was scream, clutching his head as he recalled the tasers, the laser tattooing his face, his head slammed against the wall. He hated it, hated it! He wanted it to go away!!!!

MAKE IT STOP!!! IT HURTS!” He wailed, clawing at his wounds, his body shaking violently in a fit of agony. Blood raked across his face as he squirmed like a fish out of water. Helpless and vulnerable. “KIRYU, ANYONE! SAVE ME!!!

As if hearing his cry, a loud roar shook the jail. The guards still alive looked confused before they noticed a silver glow around Yusei.

Yusei shakingly pulled out the Stardust Dragon card, hearing her roars of agony on hearing her hatchling's cry. Yusei kept sobbing, wanting the pain to disappear into the abyss.

Kiryu howled as the prison was bathed in purple flames. Emerging from his rage was a black humanoid, the same image stamped on his arm.

It’s been so long since I last played with such corrupt souls~ Let’s make this one event to remember. Shall we, children? The voice boomed eagerly. The being’s amusem*nt was heard only by the two teens as Kiryu bore a malicious grin.

“It’s time to bring this sh*thole down! No one shall suffer in this hell anymore. Let those who tortured me, my beloved, and the rest of us Satellites suffer in hell for all eternity!” He cackled letting the power course through him. Channeling his rage and anger into pure energy to unleash it.

Kiryu felt like a god sweeping his hands across the mountains. The ceilings began to shake as prisoners were begging to be freed, terrified out of their wits. Yusei was still catatonic with only Stardust Dragon's roars keeping him calm.

Go on my child... Unleash your rage and remind these fools what it means to suffer~ the voice decreed cackling as the earth shook and trembled.

Kiryu roared as he slammed his hand onto the floor, causing it to crack. The earthquakes continue to shake and crumble, rubble starting to rain down on everyone's heads as security and prisoners screamed in terror. But mostly the prisoners, who had no way to escape their deaths

Yusei didn't know what was fully happening still but hearing the screams, screams of people like him, broke him out of his own misery. The raven knew how Kiryu reacted whenever he got hurt, and with this power he would destroy everything around them. But Yusei would not tolerate innocent people like him, those undeserving of such punishment, getting hurt. He whimpered but willed whatever power he had to shield prisoners from the chaos. To protect them from harm so they could escape to see the light of day again.

He didn't want to feel worse if Kiryu hurt innocents because of him. Yusei is already haunted by his Father's past, he didn't want to be haunted by his lover's fury.

Ah, this is beautiful. The power to save and grant mercy. A voice screeched. And with the help of Stardust, the shield to save the innocent will be born.

Yusei cried out in pain as he imagined silver wings protecting the prisoners, people he saw every day looking ready to end their lives, devoid of hope. He wanted to save them, be their savior, give them a chance to live!

Throughout the prison cells, the prisoners looked in confusion as silver spectral wings enveloped them, making the rubble bounce off harmlessly like it was made of styrofoam. They kept quiet, unsure what was going on but grateful for the miracle all the same.

Stardust roared protectively as she felt her power be invoked along with the darkness. Ensuring that all those who were suffering and scared would be shielded and safe. She let out a soft mewl to Yusei to let him know she would be here for him. Watching and providing her aid as she always had. Yusei cried as he heard her as the world continued to shake and burn around him. Kiryu could only grin as he saw the sweet chaos around him. Sector Securities screams were like music to his ears as he watched the Facility crumble with sickening glee.

The building could be seen from the distance and Goodwin looked on as the dark clouds obscured the giant that crushed the tower in its bare hands, like a sandcastle.

"This changes everything..." he muttered to himself as he watched the prison of concrete and corruption fall, grimacing all the while. He could feel the headache that was sure to come from cleaning up this mess...

Kiryu laughed and laughed and laughed at the carnage, only stopping when he heard whimpers and sobs behind him. "Yusei..."

Yusei cried as a purple monkey glyph burned on his arm, still clutching onto Stardust Dragon. "K-Kiryu..."

The silverette leaned down, stroking black locks gently as he smiled sadly. "I love you, Starlight..." he whispered fondly as he comforted his love. Yusei trembled more before clinging to him tightly. Picking his love up bridal style he turned. With their backs now away from the chaos enacted, the duo escaped. Uncertain where to go next only knowing that they'd face it together, as they always have…

All that was left behind of their former prison was rubble and death. Those who survived would only tell tales of the horrors they had endured. Unsure what was real and what was not, but knowing whatever happened was the work of something dark.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: The Witch of Fortune - Green_Phantom_Queen, XenoEmblem4TW (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.